
Exactly. My thoughts take me to the same place. But in the episode 3 preview the Dr. does make a reference to Ethan "we need someone with your skills!"

Right, which is why I use the qualifiers "At least." It could be the year 3,000 and all this would still hold true, even if Kate re-spawned 10 times, it is just THIS TIME she's been around at least 12 years from her last re-spawn (or like ragingfluff says… her true starting point: either or), Her starting point,

I could see him being the reason for the town's existence, but I'm not sure how that ties in with the time stuff. See my long post on the time issue if you care to. If he was the focus it would seem that such a complex time thing is pointless to a story?

Check out my long post about the time shifts. I think I may have nailed it, but just in its singular form, meaning how it works, not how it plays into the story.

I agree. I have been thinking about this guy too, but I have absolutely NO idea. I am on the same page with what you are thinking though.

So after reading comments and the author's theory I think it could be something like this that explains the time differences (total guess but it is the only thing I can put together that actually ties in all the characters' different claims so far):

She's from Men In Black- The "Elber costume" lady from the very beginning.


I disagree, I find him in his element and the awkwardness you are noticing I think plays well into the crazy situation the character finds himself in. Remember- this is a SS agent type personality. Also he does KNOW he was in a very serious accident.

I don't think so. I think it was more like we didn't see the hours of searching he went through and since it is a closed in space and that was in a little "inlet" area in the rocks, I think it would be easy to eventually spot it. It makes sense they didn't show you the hour of looking around all over.

I def doubt it already.

About the alternating demeanor- yeah I mean this is the woman who was confident and sly enough to break into the hospital to rescue him from surgery and get him out of there without so much as a hesitation.

Sean is clearly no man.