
I like that she, very baldly, went 'no'. I do find it a bit strange that Cary wouldn't have spoken with her about Howard Lyman just to clarify what the heck is actually going on. He knows better than to go with whatever hot assumption train everyone's jumped on- especially if David Lee is driving it!

I wonder how much of Michela's uppityness is about the lack of orgasms- I loved that she quoted Planned Parenthood stats to explain it to everyone's horrified expressions..

Thank you so much for sharing.

you cannot be serious

Tennis Twitter has been so excited about this- I can't wait to watch it! :D

I'm only just coming to all the comments I missed- and I echo AlexK12 completely- you write so evocatively and with such insight, it would be wonderful to read more. Whenever you're ready for it- it would be incredible to read!

If the end of days was nigh and I was somehow forced to participate in world saving (instead of hanging out braless, drinking Alicia Florrick approved glasses of wine), I would not be running around in a push up bra, tight leggings (lol why?), and stupid heeled boots. ALL of those things are uncomfortable and will

That makes more sense than my puzzled 'wait… does that mean you're kind-of related by blood?!'

Of course, one's (familial) relationships with others are not only predicated by blood/clone (!) relations- as evidenced by Sarah and Felix being fostered by Mrs S.

So, does that make Sarah Siobhan's half-sister?

Reading this exchange is making me cackle almost as loudly as I did when I watched it.

That clip has made me set up 'Commitments' as my Sunday night film- I am so excited for the next episode.

Well, who'd have thought I'd have teared up for Big Dick Paul? That was pretty well done- by Dylan Bruce and the writers. I'm sad it took this long to shade him in and let us know where he stands, that he's 'cut from the good stuff'; but glad we- and the character- got that in the end. And, importantly, that Sarah

Given that Coady is also trying to get her hands on the original… IDK if she can be the original?

Went on holiday for a month and a half, and I'm only just catching up.

I cried and then choke-coughed from laughing so hard at 'Every time I see him, I hear circus music'

+1 I would love for Jane to have done some epic research and come up with, 'Virginity is a social construct' and then throw in some stuff about the Swedes and renaming the hymen the vaginal corona..

The most sensible person on The Good Wife? Finn Polmar.

A while ago, @a_quiet_storm and I got into a series of discussions
regarding 'female friendships (relationships)' on television- a lot of
that was about TGW and the interesting dynamics of Alicia/Kalinda, and
Alicia/Diane. I thought about a lot of that during the finale and I was just so utterly disappointed.

I never thought there could ever be such a thing, but yup.. pretty much.