
'And, you know what, it really REALLY irks me seeing this strong,
composed, Indian, bisexual woman confessing that an unbalanced
friendship with a white woman who hasn't done much for her in the past 2
years is the best thing in her life. Perhaps I'm being sensitive but
that just really irked me'.

'The President and I are like this *crosses fingers*. Not to scale, obviously'.

I'm glad I'm not the only cricket nerd around- I genuinely cackled at that!

and watch him. Say Kyle Chandler and I'll pretty much anything.

Oh, for sure- I don't deny that it's still problematic (they could have done so much with this angle and with Marco!) and I have been chafing at how poor Carlos (sure, he has agency, but he's also a victim of circumstance.. . doesn't he deserve a bit of slack?) gets treated too- the powerlessness he conveys is

+10 for you and Jobo. Excellent points.

Is that kid mixing up N'Sync and BSB trying to start a fan war or something?

I just want to thank you for this entire set of comments- if I could hand out a gold star, I would.

I had the exact same thought about Kyle Chandler's scene with Diana. This John + Diana disagreement over big things like the creepy uncle < Coach + Tami Taylor arguing over wardrobe sizes, or y'know.. even just being in the same frame together.

I agree with you on this, but I also like the subtle shift in how Marco is the one asking the questions and taking more of a lead here- not only because he speaks the language, but because of what subtext and emotion it adds to have a Latino character, and how much it personalizes it, in a sense.


Is there a show all about women that doesn't have any significant storyline for husbands/boyfriends and/or unpack the women's relationships to them? Genuine question. I'd like to watch it.

What a brilliant episode! Yes, it's slow and measured, but it builds so beautifully; it's hard to resent it.

Oh, you were spot on in your response to my comment on the previous episode's review (gosh, what a convoluted sentence!). Seeing so many shades of Meg and her secrets was utterly heartbreaking. The scenes between her and Danny were brilliant acted, so tense, and so filled with.. emotion. Her longing to include, relate

Oh Mindy Project, what a ridiculous idea of Mumbai! As if we have fancy buildings without 10 ft. security space to keep all the 'riffraff' at a distance- especially if you're rich enough to rent or own a flat in a swanky building in that city! (and lol, why would you take an auto from the airport?!?)

It's so difficult for me to see Kyle Chandler have a TV marriage with anyone that isn't Connie Britton. It feels like Coach Taylor is cheating, and he would never; ever do that.

As Dr. Jacoby says, the cinematography has been stunning and while I have no real frame of reference for Florida Keys, it does feel like a character- not just subtly lending context, but shaping reactions and behaviour.

I also wonder how much of her handling things at the hotel is a way of controlling her own emotions? If the men are, in a way, reflections of their father; how much does Meg mirror her own mother?

She did take a bite and looked rather pleased with herself after she 'bags' RD as a client..or at least a meeting with his firm and a caveat re: not representing him/his organisation around anti-choice stuff.

Not discounting any of that- the day after is excruciatingly awkward, even without all the added political drama, and 'what a terrible idea'-ness of it all.. but, I guess, Johnny and Alicia never really worked for me (even with the kind-of-adorable awkward scene at the end of the last episode) because I don't actually