In March, North Carolina passed House Bill 2, better known as the “Bathroom Bill.” In addition to requiring everyone…
In March, North Carolina passed House Bill 2, better known as the “Bathroom Bill.” In addition to requiring everyone…
As a TA, I hear these kind of statements from my students a lot, but I don’t see it as a big deal. They’re just using “I feel” as a replacement for “I think.” And despite what Worthan argues, it’s not impossible to correct or build upon these statements. If I can do it with less than a year of teaching experience…
Rather than condemn millennials—and those, shall we say, contaminated by them—for shirking “responsibility” through discourse, let’s acknowledge our more pressing duty: to stop policing speech, and instead welcome the voices clamoring to be heard.
*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.
i know. bless them for their reactions and apologies. part of me wishes the douchers who sent these tweets were the ones who would have to read them aloud to these women’s faces, but not sure if that’s even plausible, or safe, or if it would do any good.
I applaud these women for trying to do something to combat the insane blowback to women in sports journalism. I feel awful for the dudes who have to read these, since it almost makes them look like the losers who actually typed those things.
Sarah Spain and Julie DiCaro are both women who make their living as sportswriters. For that, of course, they must…
I’m still pissed off that this shooting, which the shooter admitted was an attack on women, did not get a ton of attention. People focused on the fact that it was in a movie theater more than the fact that the shooter was an admitted misogynist. I mean the host of a radio show even said that the shooter frequently…
I didn’t go in for the whole wrestling craze as a kid, though majority of my male friends did (and still do now, it’s actually really endearing the nostalgic love they have for it still) but I remember, clear as day, watching Chyna whenever she was on TV. I thought she was like Xena and Wonder Woman put together and…
Even as a teenager, I liked Chyna because she was different. She was strong and tough. Also, she was funny and pretty. I liked that about her.
Thank you for making me feel better about ugly crying during the Sansa / Brienne season. I never even liked Caitlin Stark, but it is the fulfillment of her desires to just have her kids looked after, instead of spread to the wind, each in a situation more fucked than the last. And Sansa is going to go great places,…
“Everybody knows, though, that a crone is the most powerful witch of all..”
The last few episodes of Season 5 were bleak as hell for its women characters, even by Game of Thrones standards:…
Totally agree. But if the trailers and the end of the last season is any indication, we’re gonna see more and more characters intertwining now.
This is what has happened in the books as well- but I think there’s a wider purpose. Martin has said that he always intended to reunite characters after drawing them apart to allow them to grow individually.
There’s a difference between “my home country sucks” and “all my friends were murdered for their race/beliefs.”
No refugees get more money than out of work locals, not in Scandinavia at least. They don’t get housing in the form of their own apartment and they don’t get “spending money”. They neither get “a bundle of cash” to “get back on their feet”. Alot of false statements from you.
Yeah! What a bunch of leeches!