
“I don’t like candidate X because of the smugness of some of candidate X’s followers” is a dumb position. Do you like the policies and strategy of the candidate or no?

That’s wrong. Aaron Swartz died because the government is defending outdated ideas of property. Workers who go on strike are ‘stealing’ the time they contracted to give to their employers.
There are plenty of times when theft is not only okay, but great. The preservation of games (that would otherwise languish in the

The problem with Dwight Howard liking Thanos isn’t that Thanos is a bad guy who wants to kill everyone. The problem is that Thanos fucking sucks as a villain.
Darth Vader, Hans Gruber, Magneto—all bad guys, but rad as hell! Thanos is a computer toe with fake motivation.

Inclusion into the IOC is a false dream that leads only to corruption and exploitation.
By all means, international competition--but not like this! not like this!

Analytics are so good at predicting pennant winners, what’s the use in having baseball seasons? We can just calculate WAR by evaluating individual performance in a CUBE and then run the numbers and hand out trophies.

Honky alert!

He was a chad bully on The Office, and now he’s a chad bully in Venezuela.

Abusers often use the threat of suicide to coerce people into abuse. Using a suicide to silence future survivors from speaking out amounts to the same thing.

“Cocaine is a hell of a drug”
This is what OP meant by ‘wrong people’:

I used to live down the street from Safeco back around 2012. I studied for my GRE in the bleachers by buying a ticket for ~$6 after the games started. I’d buy a hot dog outside on the way in and I’d only drink water. It was a nice place to sit and read when the weather is nice. If you want to take a break, watch the

Just threw up a bunch of bucatini. It was not fun!

Cap and trade? Nuclear? Green New Deal?
These are all controversial

The market will regulate itself

The Jets’ new Eagles’ uniforms look nice.

Nick Denton?

Again: either high performance art, or insufferable nonsense.
(in case of the latter: There’s nothing wrong with thinking that Gabbard is hot [except that she has terrible 9/11 revanchist politics]. What matters is how you comment on looks, not if you do. The only people who would say it’s misogynist are people who

Really hoping this is an anti-joke, where you play the character of an insufferable sourpuss.

I’ll bite: convince me.

“If the North and South were benefiting from slavery, then the South would have beat the North.”
Whoa, nice use of FACTS and LOGIC

This is wrong up and down the board.
It’s true that ‘the north’ as a monolith wasn’t totally concerned with slavery. It’s why there was opposition to the war, and why Lincoln only got 40% of the popular vote in 1860.
But secession was precipitated by Lincoln’s election because of his abolitionist sympathies (and the