
Yup. It’s also why Death by Macho is a thing - all women’s fault, not idiot guys doing idiot guy things to impress each other.

I am looking forward to Trump’s trial, conviction and execution for crimes against humanity. His own vile words are evidence enough against him.

Yeah, fuck off, unlikely-man. You’re throwing a lot of false nobility behind your desire to walk into private businesses and not adhere to their rules.


I’ve been trying to tell y’all: Betsy DeVos, besides Stephen Miller, is the most devious, insidious, single-minded demon in the administration! 

He should be careful what stones he throws. His daddy was a famous segregationist. At least until it wasn’t popular to say that out loud.

I assume it’s filled in like when you go to buy something online and Google sticks your name and address in the field.

It breaks up the monotany of selfishly withholding our vaginas.

The man card is very fragile and requires constant validation or it expires.

I would bet real money that that “review” was actually written by the Vice Bro (Marketing). It just sounds way too much like infomercial copy. (Unless...this is how “the bros” actually talk? Let’s leave that as a rhetorical question; I truly do not want to know.)

Just another shitbird like his felon dad.

If it makes you feel any better, consider the tens of millions of dollars in VC money this company will burn through before it fails just because a group of tech bros convinced a group of finance bros to pay for it.

Yep, it’s definitely the females who make the bros embarrassed to show their feelings and support their friends. Definitely the females at fault. 

What the governor should have done is signed an order prohibiting Republicans from buying and wearing face masks.

“Just so folks outside Virginia unfamiliar with the pic on the mask understand:

This isn’t like the push to reopen the economy because, for all of that campaign’s faults, it’s at least about getting people back to work.

The anti-face mask thing, on the other hand, just seems like arbitrary defiance for the sake of defiance.

Ask and you shall receive

Wanda Sykes to Scott Baio:

She’s more of an Dolores Umbridge type really. Elvira Gulch was just universally disliked.. Dolores Umbridge knows how to suck up to evil because it aligns with her personality and sees no problem inflicting harm (physical, emotional, economic) on others when she wishes to accomplish the goals of others.