Seeräuber Jenny

I would like be put in the black again. Another Lifehacker writer grayed me after I raised a perfectly reasonably style point. That is pathetic and childish.

When started reading about IF years ago, it was not recommended for diabetics, especially without medical supervision. But online, diabetics have told me that the rules about eating at frequent intervals no longer apply. I assume these people check blood sugar levels religiously.

Still, no one should be penalized for stating an opinion. And this is hardly a minority opinion. The vast majority of careful writers do not use “journaling” as a verb.

Of course language evolves, but not everything. There should be a good reason.

Have I been demoted for having the effrontery of voicing an opinion?

Sure, language evolves, but not every change is a good development.

It’s not bizarre if you have a love of language.

I was upset when Google Reader shut down, but now I can barely remember it. I hope I feel that way when I finally find an alternative to Evernote, that overpriced, buggy app with terrible customer service and marketing.

You “keep a journal,” or “keep a notebook.” “Journalling” is an ugly and unnecessary verb. It’s for people who consider writing to be on the same level as assembling silly scrapbooks.

I have more than a feeling about you and reading comprehension — I got the joke. I starred the post. I was making a different point.

Just because your surroundings are spartan doesn’t mean you have to ugly them up. Above is a temporary shelter IKEA built for refugees.

They are also used to embellish fine home furnishings such as pillows, very ornate clothing, often costumes, and right now there’s a necklace tassel trend. But as if everything, to make really nice one requires skill, experience, and quality material, not cast-off pantyhose.


It’s probably because I grew up poor and am still not well off, but these suggestions are triggering. XD

I’ve tried reading books on the subway, but I often miss my stop. It’s hard to get involved in the material when that’s a concern.

I have some activities that are extremely time-consuming and not compatible with book reading. And I cannot stand audio books. I don’t want a voice inside my head except my own, I don’t want the annoyance of rewinding if I want to re-read something again.

My Kindle has scores of samples that I downloaded to read. Then I have to commit and buy the book. I don’t love e-books, but I hate spending a lot of money on real books, carrying them around and mussing them up. I really need to order two books, one for reading, one for keeping.

I don’t read books for “pure fun,” whatever that means. To my ear, it sounds like airport fiction or chicklit, both of which I find unreadable.

I used to love reading when I was younger until college. 100+ reading requirements per class session quickly killed that. 

I’m sorry, but that is the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen. It screams desperation.