
I think the second baby scenario is far likelier. Those Luvs commercials are pretty damn accurate. With my first, by this time in my pregnancy (35 weeks), I had a perfectly decorated nursery with an expensive crib, a name picked out, everything in order... for this one, we don’t have a name, he has an Ikea crib in the

Then don’t order something that comes with that spirit or ask to have your cocktail without it. Don’t lie about having an allergy.

I love the idea of having a fairy allergy. Walking around beautiful meadows and wooded glens would be so dangerous!

The worst thing about that is that she has no ass. Zero. Nada. Shame.

That has a lot to do with the fact that my “issues” are a legitimate medical concern. While theirs are the fashionable hipster food-trend de jour.

“he didn’t mention just exactly how they could have gotten on a man’s fine beard in the first place.”

Please don’t claim an allergy when it’s just a preference, no matter how strong your preference is. That is why servers have become so cavalier about them. Twenty years ago, when I was waiting tables, no one was cavalier about them, but faking them wasn’t a big thing then.

I am a teacher. I do believe—strongly and vehemently—that, in a school situation, we must be hyper-vigilant about any possible allergic reactions. However, I am just about over parents telling me, while waving printouts from The Food Babe’s website, that little Shirley is “allergic” to high-fructose corn syrup. No,

The restaurant where I work at had a couple come in last summer, where the gentleman was allergic to shellfish, but of course he didn’t tell us that. He had a fried chicken dish, which was fried in the same oil as shrimp and calamari. So of this guy goes into full anaphylactic shock in the restaurant, and my coworker

Colin, this is an excellent story, but I think you were remiss in not excoriating the living fuck out of the people who are the reason why so many servers assume that everyone is lying about their allergies.

Yeah, by the time I had my third one I could have juggled with the other hand, caught one of them trying to fall down the stairs and cook dinner at the same time (ok, not really but it felt like I was doing all that at the same time).

Some of the passages in her book, I felt, were incredibly tone deaf given the inequality so prevalent in American society. But it’s so good to read about a couple who loved each other so deeply and held each other in such high regard. I can’t imagine losing your best friend so suddenly, and my thoughts are with her

Most likely it’s that. I only know that if it were me up there (and thank goodness it’s not), I would be holding onto that baby with a frozen grimace of a smile, thinking “Don’t drop her. Don’t drop her!” the whole damn time. I am not good with lots of people staring at me; I tend to fumble things and trip. This is

Yeah. Wills and Kate 100% look like that one couple you know who are smart and beautiful but also super chill and always make guac when you meet up for Game of Thrones viewing parties.

I think he’s still very handsome. He’s tall, broad shouldered, really nice legs. And a jawline to die for, gorgeous blue eyes from his mom. I’d hit it.

Awww- I think he’s handsome. He and Kate genuinely seem to like each other too, and he’s always smiling! It’s adorbs. Totes.

Food allergies and food intolerances are two very different things. Like you said, people with lactose intolerance can eat some dairy products that have the lactose pre-digested by bacteria. But someone with a milk allergy will still react to dairy products because they’re not allergic to the sugars in milk, but the

He hasn’t lost his memory, but he’s hoping you have.

Pretty sure he thinks “gay” is something you do, not something you are. That’s the case for a lot of religious people who don’t think gayness is inherent but is a “lifestyle choice”.

The restaurant I worked at had an entire procedure for dealing with someone who had a good allergy. We had special menus that detailed how to order items to avoid allergens, thr kitchen paused to clean off a small area where their food would be prepared, it was served on special dishware and a manager always took it