
He’s such a dick - just look at how he’s treated Jennifer Weiner over the years.

Daniel Silva writes surprisingly decent sex scenes as part of his spy novels. They’re not high literature, but you get the sense that he has actually had sex with a real woman before.

It is one of the few books that I couldn’t even hate finish!

Yep, hours spent reading on the sofa with my dogs is not remotely wasted time.

Mine involves which Law and Order marathon is playing on which channel...

My mom permed my hair, but left my bangs stick was beyond awful!

Yeah, but there’s no incentive for the makeup artist to go any faster. The more time she spends on the face, the less time she has to spend aimlessly wandering the store, asking people if they need help! It’s got to be the most fun part of the job.

I used to be the same way - couldn’t possibly imagine going a day without washing my hair. But then I spent a week in the hospital, followed by weeks of bed rest with very infrequent hairwashing. My hair just stopped being so greasy (but I will warn you that I looked nasty for a while). I now only wash it once every

No, you didn’t miss the humor. This was just a mean-spirited article. You keep rocking your maxi dresses!!

Me too. I’m glad I waited until I wasn’t a teenager (my mom offered them to me at 16. Body image issues, anyone??).

She’s had her hairline changed, but I think the biggest change is that she’s obliterated her nasolabial lines via filler. It totally alters the shape of her face.

Oh my god. Where was this shirt when I was in high school??

Hah, I noticed that! It was a big change from the first baby appearance, when she had both arms completely wrapped around little George. I just figured this is a second-time mom thing (like those Luvs diaper commercials)

THANK YOU! Are you watching the new season?? What do you think?

Me! It was so exciting when the pharmacist handed me my pills one month and said ‘they’re free’. I didn’t have to do anything. I’ve had both Blue Cross and Aetna pay for them.

Really? I feel like they would emphasize how pear shaped I am :(

Okay, whatever. I’m not sure why you’re so bizarrely worked up about business schools. I also think you’re probably young - a lot of people make career changes over their lifetime, which explains my switch from the business world to a more fulfilling career path.

I have an MBA and am currently in a liberal arts PhD program - let me tell you, the MBA was MUCH more work intensive. At top schools, it definitely swallows your life.

Not to mention, it’s a 3-legged rescue PIT BULL. Swoon...

Holy shit, yes!! Man, I wish that Carmen Sandiego was still around...