
You’re blaming people for making assumptions while your comment itself is an assumption.

I think you read the article wrong. Her legal team is in constant contact with her and she’s been detained at the airport. It’s the media & public who don’t know her status, which honestly, isn’t even our business to know. You can’t change laws to conform to your own beliefs. She broke the law and this is the

Agree completely. You have to be smart when travelling and even more so out of a country on the brink of war & with existing tensions with your own country of origin.

Not surprising they don’t want to honor the people who actually make a movie look the way it does but rather, cater to the actors playing in it. I just hope Amazon’s Cinderella now wins fan favorite as a sort of spite on them.

This is really poorly written and the clickbait is focusing on the wrong thing. It’s not that she’s a woman he finds problematic, but that’s she’s from New Zealand. More concerning, is his issues with the homosexual content than anything.

This is strange. I think there’s some leeway in casting in general because I don’t think a 35 yr old can only play a 35 yr old, but this is too similar between the 2. Tom used to be able to pass off as a younger teen but now he can’t, esp as he’s more bulked up. Are they going to go the route of makeup for both? Maybe

That’s moreso a reverse situation. Her age is pretty accurate based on the book, but Chalamet is playing a younger person who’s probably 5-10 years younger than his actual age. I love him in it so I let it go.

This sounds like a non-story. Someone got really mad and the other reacted poorly so she responded in a hyped up way.  And then it got resolved.  No one wins here.  They were adult enough to get over it so who the hell cares?

I’m sure it’s legally & within her right to do so, but it’s blatantly wrong to sell your half of a business without notifying the co-owner of said business because yes, it does impact the operations of the existing owner. I’m on team Brad with this one. And then especially to a Russian oligarch which is already fishy

Agreed and I don’t find this insulting at all.  It would be insulting if he said they were all overpaid.

This is nonsense. A 5 year old could compete in a contest/competition but I’m not holding them accountable if the adults in their life tell them you have to take a drug or else. Same for a 15 year old. She’s a minor. I don’t think she should compete because positive is positive, but no, a minor should not be held

Not a big fan of Taylor Swift or the Gorillaz & I don’t really care about this beef in general, but I do enjoy when people way out of left field chime in with support.

They’re both good looking but to me they look nothing alike, so it’s hard to compare.  But not gonna lie, Ben Barnes as Prince Caspian really did it for me and I’m glad he’s back to those longer locks in Shadow & Bone.  Would love a comeback for somewhat longer hair on guys in general.

It was cringy but nothing so bad as people made it out to be.  I think people now just love to hate on anyone, especially if they’re famous or successful.  At the end of the day, who cares?

Clearly, you don’t know what apartheid means.

This sounds like such utter bullshit. If you really want a country to predict the future, we can also blame the US and President Carter for the war in Iran during that time, which I’m sure inflamed other countries to also take a more religious handle on their states. So there you go, the US is to blame.  See how easy

I love how when anyone Jewish or Israeli does something, someone always has to make a comment about the Palestinians.  It’s so blatantly racist, as if Gal is somehow in control of anything politically or owns any military agenda.  No other country gets such vitriol, and there are some seriously horrible things

To be fair, it really does look like Emma Watson way more than Emma Roberts.

I think Dwayne Johnson just seems like an all-around nice upstanding guy, so when he gets upset or challenges someone, you’re more likely to pay attention or care. It’s like if Tom Hanks suddenly started hating on another actor.  I do think Vin Deisel cared about Paul Walker but I’m still on Team Rock.

Agreed. I don’t think any sane person decides to divorce and then gets on a call to their PR the next day to announce it to the public. It takes a good while to decide to divorce and a good while of separation usually before divorce is even brought to the table. They could’ve been separated far longer than anyone knew