
I see no negatives with this besides issues with current residents. She’s putting up her own money though to restore & beautify the town & buildings including putting power lines inground (something I wish they would do in all places- here’s looking at you Long Island bc of storms & fug). I just wish there were pics

She might have poor judgment/impulse control but it clearly showcases that the conservatorship did her no favors.  She didn’t get any help with it so maybe if there are issues, she can now address them on her own terms.

I do wonder how much of it is actually due to Diane Sawyer or Barbara Walters.  I imagine someone else is really writing up these questions or the network is making them add some juicy/risque q’s.  Just wondering how much of this is killing the messenger (who wants to keep a job in a sexist world) or the

A business costs money & overhead to run, so it’s no surprise that they charge for their services. I’m not sure why this would be any different for mental health services. There’s so much more options and accessibility today. Even 5-10 years ago, we didn’t have what we have now, including normalizing mental health

He’s touted as a really good doctor, so it’s really just weighing out the good vs. the bad. The diet pills and the conversion therapy is all wrong but to say any doctor is somehow above making money or just have wrong views is pretty basic. They’re people too and prob may have messed up views like a whole lot of other

I don’t think this is a new concept and frankly it’s still better than paying money if it’s a destination wedding. You can always “attend” and be away physically from your computer. Doesn’t sound so awful tbh.

This is so dumb and simple minded. As a Democrat myself, being a Republican doesn’t mean any of those things or it could. Logic here- use it. One does not equate the other. A lot of people choose platforms for different reasons like taxes or foreign policy and actually support lgbtq rights & abortion if those are why

Sara Hyland is my fav of the mix though the hair is aging w/ the cute look.

This is BS. It’s a fictional show that everyone loves. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it and go read a newspaper. I don’t think anyone is thinking any of these crimes shows are real. Like when they magically find evidence the next day too right & solve the case? Delete all crime shows then and stop targeting

I’ve wondered this exact same thing.  It boggles my mind.

I will to this day never understand how James Corden became a late night talk show host here. He wasn’t famous here at all and just came out of nowhere. Sounds like he’s also an awful person. Agree on the Kimmel note with his racist past. I think the worst and thankfully gone was David Letterman. He was an utter

I understand what you’re saying here, but ribbing/teasing, especially the lighthearted kind is not the same as harassment. What’s changed is people’s blanket perception that it is.  And frankly, I can’t believe this small clip warranted an article or publicity. 

Agree with this wholeheartedly. He sounds a bit assholish from this one clip but he makes fun of himself and his guests and it’s all in good fun.

His remarks were concerning conservation not climate change...

Honestly, it’s not the western countries who are doing that right now.  Look at the stakes China has right now in Africa and you’ll see who’s actually utilizing those resources.

Yeah, this site likes to ignore the truth to play into their narrative. In addition, this is an issue of sustainability of ecosystems, not climate change, so it’s a very weak argument to use another topic in order to support the writer’s argument. Obviously, it’s an issue everywhere including the US, but nothing he

Your argument is not logical. In effect, what you’re actually saying is trans should compete separately. Also, not sure why this is an argument when the majority of the athletes comes from a few nations. They have more athletes go to the Olympics- it’s not about how many nations there are, it’s about how many athletes

It’s because there is a performance difference (and I’m female here saying this) but if men & women were to compete on equal footing, in most cases, it’s men that would win or have the advantage at the highest athletic level. I am however all for co-ed team sports, but not in individual competitions. If people are

Agreed. It’s mainly because they care less about women’s sports & women in general. That’s why they mentioned trans women being able to compete but not trans men because fact of the matter is, there is a performance difference between men & women and you can clearly see the difference by who is medaling at competitions

It works with extra sass. Devin in the 2nd vid make it look great. I don’t think anyone assumed her dancing was ever part of her schtick.