
Man, I wish that was still how the world worked! 

This is very silly of you. AOC demonstrated that Facebook is an untrustworthy arbiter of objective truth. This is a simple concept, which you split into two parts and tried to make them look contradictory. You might as well say AOC believes in gravity and also airplanes.

“You are wasting typing on politics and religion,” says the guy who wrote nearly 300 words in response to me.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

12th man hates 13th amendment.

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

Are you kidding?

Where’s the fucking Hatfields when you need them.

From the Reading Comprehension Tees

Nope, too soon. It’s none of my business and I’m glad they’re all happy but all the hair stands on the back of my neck when this happens

It would be too soon FOR YOU. Grief affects each of us differently, and there is no timetable that we all must follow.

i wanna die

as a lawyer who is usually on the defense side of employment discrimination suits, and who also thinks that sometimes people are just assholes and it’s not about gender/race/whatever: GIRL SUE THEM.

I can’t approve of throwing things at vehicles. Even Trump’s. Next time, kids, just flip him off.

I’m curious about what constitutes “work” for a CEO though. Are they at their computer busting ass 12 hours a day? Or wining and dining clients and counting that as part of the 55 hour week, or counting picking up their kids at 3 pm as work.