
What I’ve found in my travels and moving to another country is that you’re going to mess up and be rude no matter how many rules you study beforehand... and that you’ll generally be forgiven if your general attitude is one of, “I know I’m a stupid foreigner. Please forgive me for what I don’t know and teach me.”

Sad state we are in today that just as a complete knee jerk reaction, you would automatically label this generic person asking permission for a favor.... as “privileged”. Sad, but more importantly, pathetic.

Fair enough. I think it depends on the person and the situation. In this scenario, I feel like a public place is okay since they’re not really together. And being in one of their apartments may just lead to the activity continuing... But either way, what matters here is doing it in person.

This is why I got Google Voice 5 years ago. It will automatically filter spam calls to a spam folder. I haven’t had an unwanted call in 5 years.

As a parent of a one and three year old, I fully realize that I am guilty of complaint-vomit because it’s one of the few recourses I feel that I have to deal with the stress that is parenting. I’m sure my coworkers loath to see me coming after a sleepless night cause they know they’re going to get an earful.

My wife

Grabbed a garbage disposal. Thanks for the heads up.

Grabbed a garbage disposal. Thanks for the heads up.

This is your first kid, isn’t it?

Repurpose them.

No, you wouldn’t, because then they’d all be bilingual and you’d be at a disadvantage.

I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.

You’re free to advocate for or against the bills as you see fit.

Already going down that road. I am almost debt free, 4 more months and the car is paid off. all credit cards are at a 0 balance and will stay that way. Saving $1000 a month right now into a simple passbook savings account.

I mentioned that these tips can be applied to being a regular at a restaurant, cafe, or whatever your local spot is (hobby store, etc.).

the only feature i’d look for in a college fridge might be a lock feature.

Actually, no. You only have a right for arms.

MediaMonkey is working fine for me on Windows 10. Just because it hasn’t released an update with “official support” doesn’t mean its incompatible. Haven’t tried MusicBee (our official pick) but I’d be surprised if it were broken too.