Just like nobody ever said “Boy, I really feel like a Leftover!” on that show.
Just like nobody ever said “Boy, I really feel like a Leftover!” on that show.
That Joss Whedon was able to create high-quality, mostly feminist art while being a misogynist in real life is, as you noted, a genuinely important takeaway for the future.
So I just watched this and I gotta say - I really enjoyed it. But I can’t say I ever really tired of Joss Whedon’s work (I’m not talking about him as the person but his stories) exactly. I might have taken issue with one thing or another but... I genuinely don’t mind it being exactly what it appears to be - a…
Does he deserve everything that is coming to him though? From what I’ve read the allegations all boil down to the fact that he’s kind of a jerk and not exactly a ray of sunshine to work with. If we start cancelling people for that 75% of the population is going to be out of a job.
You do kind of have to wonder what this review would have looked like had it been the exact same show but we were still been living in the alternate universe where Joss Whedon’s shittiness hadn’t been exposed and the dominant critical mindset towards him was still a kind of fawning adulation based on him being some…
I admit that I got tired of a lot of the Joss Whedon tropes mentioned here at least fifteen years ago. Still, I have to wonder if the huge amount of disdain for anything seen as a Whedonism in this wouldn’t have been here if this review had been made 3 or even 1 year ago... Even though I think he deserves everything…
Thankful for my huge polish schnoz that keeps my mask up at all times
Is that WW being “aggressive” though? Not to mention the SC has her in way more male gaze shots than the theatrical one did. That’s kind of Snyder’s thing. They could just mean personality-wise. In the theatrical cut WW is forceful about her misgivings in regards to bringing Superman back from the dead. In the SC…
However he would say "Booyah Motherfucker".
Maybe the Snyder Cut and Joss Whedon were bad ideas for the DC Universe.
Maybe the Snyder Cut and Joss Whedon were bad ideas for the DC Universe.
I also always report him to the real Dr. Lizardo. He then reports the current iteration to TPTB and they, eventually, ban that iteration.
IIRC Gattaca employed minimal special effects, relying more on interesting (and existing) architecture, lighting, and Michael Nyman’s score.
And I also enjoyed 12 Monkeys.
I guess it could be called kinda FX-like but... if that is considered to be special FX then literally every movie in the history of cinema is heavy on special FX. It was just makeup - it wasn’t spaceships or anything.
Noted YA author Kazuo Ishiguro! Author of such YA classics as The Remains of the Day! I don’t even think of Never Let Me Go as science fiction, although I have no argument for anyone who wants to put it into that category.
But how about “The Man That Fell to Earth” starring David Bowie? Very little that could be called “Effects” in it and it still tells a compelling sci fi story.
I guess I can’t argue with that - but the way the intro is framed and the inclusion of Never Let Me Go, which also has a certain amount of specific production design, suggests that it would actually fit right into this list.
I saw the title and knew Primer would be on this list.
I came here to rant about it not being incredible genius but abject pseudo-intellectual nonsense.
I came here to rant about that but changed my mind when I saw no mention of Children of Men. Where the heck is Children of Men?