I haven’t thought about “Waiting for Superman” in awhile. What a horrible piece of propaganda that championed charter schools while in reality most of them are scams that steal money from public education.
I haven’t thought about “Waiting for Superman” in awhile. What a horrible piece of propaganda that championed charter schools while in reality most of them are scams that steal money from public education.
Why not both?
It’s kind of glossed over that genealogy sites are giving their customer’s DNA to police to search through. I kind of think there should be a warning on the box.
“These people aren’t Pro-Life! They’re killing doctors! What kind of Pro-Life is that? What, they’ll do anything they can to save a fetus, but if it grows up to be a doctor, they just might have to kill it?
Don’t call it pro-life. Call it anti-choice.
The internet also gives you a wealth of peer-reviewed, evidence-based information, and thank goodness for that because thanks to the internet I figured out that 1) there was another migraine medication that might work for me because it had a longer half-life than the one I was originally prescribed 2) there’s an…
Uunfortunately, he'll likely be dead within the year. (I am a doctor, BTW).
It’s metastasized. No point.
I just wrapped up a month of a vegetarian diet, which I’ve been doing every January for the last decade or so. Folks: it’s really not that hard to switch to a more plant-focused diet. Over the years it has radically transformed my diet, to the point where I’m eating ovo-lacto vegetarian meals twice a day now. (This…
I know it’s beside the point, but also
Except the Ghostbusters film only received mixed reviews at best. It had plenty of critics.
Really? ‘Serenity’? What’s next, a romantic comedy about taxi drivers in love called ‘Tron’? Maybe an uncompromising look at the dark side of Wall Street called ‘Waterworld’...
I got a Firefly notification for /this/?
John Legend Idris Elba and Barack Obama are the only men Im willing to vouch for
The actress who is playing the dark matter cartographer also played the Krill teacher in the infiltration episode last season, so I am very much hoping that’s how this plays out.
Boy. The Russian bots are in full force tonight, huh?
Okay, I’ll bite.
Hows a goofy old dude supposed to try and fuck?
He does have a reputation for dickish behavior.
“Davis spends a good portion of her screentime carrying around a fluffy pet pooch, a living symbol of the creature comforts she clings to as her old life crumbles”