This whole hate of the E36 and the US spec engine seems like a modern invention post E46. In the mid 90s this car was well loved by everyone with that 240HP engine and one of the best handling cars ever. Where was this hate then?
I do admit I’ve told this story more than once, but I don’t think it would hurt to tell it one more time.
I owned one in HS that I regrettable sold, found again and tried to buy back, you can read that whole sad story here -
Please don’t make me explain the joke.
The warm heat of a dutch oven.
How many krill can it consume in 1 hour?
Hey, uh, what would happen if you rammed a Mon Calamari cruiser into a fleet of First Order ships at light speed? Let’s find out!
The irony is that the therapy session in that episode is an honest-to-god look at exactly what in the hell is wrong with Rick as a person, and why he’s toxic to be around.
Is this really what passes for content now? “Here’s a picture, do my job.”
Sounds like you need a shoulder to Chiron.
You can stand under a steamy shower for days, however, and never run out of hot water, which makes it the best place in the world in my opinion. Additionally, while they believe in hill trolls they don’t actually elect them to the highest offices in the land.
Penn Station is paradise compared to Port Authority.
Three whiskies? C’mon Kentucky, step your game up. Also, it’s great how retrograde the South is. “Assault on a female” is a specific type of crime? In the year 2016? You keep being you, you hillbilly sonsuvbitches. It's the Balkans of America.
Being a progressive means you hate Hillary? That’s news to me. I thought being progressive means fighting for progressive issues, not creating a purity test of which of those issues are necessary to be considered progressive.
One limitation, it will be restricted to orbiting counterclockwise.
Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.