The Maine Event

GTA Online is boring.

I don’t think it’s all that bad of a comparison. These same supposed democrats constantly undermine efforts towards higher minimum wages, continue to ignore defacto school segregation, continue to do nothing about the destruction of public school, continually vote down tax increases on the wealthy, and exploit there

I’ll just repeat what I said in the article about this -congresscritter.

I totally recognize that this game has (many) issues, but you know what? I am actually loving the hell out of it.

Kirk Hinrich had too long of an NBA career to be A Guy. He’s most certainly A Dude.

You’re right, coach. When I think “accountability,” I think Michigan State.

Co-signed. I was under the impression that ALL strip mall massage parlors are fronts for trafficking and prostitution. 

Impressive list of complaints from people who saw a “spa” in a strip mall and thought, “Yeah, that checks off all the boxes, I’m in.”

I think Mission Winnow’s actual mission is to see how many words they can write without actually saying anything.

That website was the purest example of corporate gobbledygook Nuspeak distraction-through-boredom focus group bullshit I’ve ever encountered.

Martin Richard was 8 years old.

welcome back

Not really.

True, but literally no one expected the Giants to actually play well, so it was hardly a surprise when Collins farted up the field. McVay and Goff have been annointed as the FUTURE OF FOOBAW so this is a lot more shocking.

Oh that was a beautiful game

There’s no good excuse for his failure, which should go down as the most humiliating performance in Super Bowl history.

There was a moment late in the game when he was on the sideline, and he looked kind of weirdly glassy and zoned out.  I couldn’t help wondering whether he’d gotten his head knocked crooked at some point.

Chuck E Cheese? No sir. That is the look of a divorced dad who just realized he has to pick is kid up at the same high school as his date.

That’s the look of a divorced dad who just remembered he promised his kid they’d go to Chuck E Cheese on his next weekend.

I’m convinced Gurley’s hurt, no matter their denials.