David Ruddock


So a preproduction demo unit should actually be better than a production unit?

I work at an Ag equipment company. Our “pre-production” units go through the production tooling, are welded by production welders, and go through production paint. We just watch them more closely. Final assembly, however, is done by the actual engineer(s) who designed it to make sure things fit together as intended.

(That being said. I could see this ad actually convincing some dirty hipster who just got their first job as an Account Representative for Yelp to buy a Renagade over the Veloster or Soul they were already considering.)

AAA's Plus membership (4 completely free 100-mile tows, free gas if you run out, free locksmith service) is only $100/year.

Tomatoes are vile: fact.

They do understand English. They just won’t speak it to you.

Tacocat spelled backwards is tacocat

Damn fat cats and their expensive German cars.

I've never understood why people don't like the XK8. It reminds me of an updated and beefier E-Type.

Prepare yourselves for reasons why this list stinks.

Founds some promotional literature

Audi RS7 and with that i officially declare this thread close. No do not bring any of that aston martin rubbish over here. Thread closed!

I would be remissed if I did not inquire: What is the .0005?

In the Middle East: 100%

Why am I doing this? This thing is doomed I know. It's a repair bill with four wheels. But there's just something about owning a V12 biturbo Mercedes that makes me forget all of that. Maybe it's the absolutely absurd amount of torque the engine makes. God bless the folks at AMG.

Exotic powertrain and exotic materials.

You know, the other day I was having an internal dialogue on this very subject, and I realized I hadn't seen one of these, not even a clapped out ricemobile, in as long as I could remember. And this isn't a case of oversight or selective memory, because every single time I see one, I think, "I should ask how much they

Hyundai Stellar