David Ruddock

You need to make enough money and have enough deductions for it to be worthwhile to itemize your taxes OR the vehicle is a business asset and thus the deduction for donating it is applied to your business. Either way, not applicable to a large number of people in any practical sense.


I generally like my garlic robust, so I press it unless I am physically forcing it into meat or a chilled / uncooked dish.

Eh, I’m as skeptical of Tesla’s build quality and QA as the next guy, but bad bulbs (or in this case, diodes) do happen. I’ve seen new Benzes with lights go out - it’s the sort of quality issue that’s hard to account for without spending utterly stupid amounts of money, and I suspect LEDs will have a higher near-term

I actually saw one of these driving in LA 2 days ago. I had to do a double take - I thought they were still a long way off from even press testing.

They sell eBay-grade Evo II body kits, but they’re absolutely terrible plastic garbage and don’t even fit on the cars right. You can spot the fakes super easy, often because they basically don’t sell the wheels or wing. You’d have to schnell on over to Deutschland for the good replica kits, assuming they’re even able

In theory. In reality, fingerprint background checks are subject to many of the flaws and limitations of traditional checks, and for mostly the same reasons.

Yep. Many of the people you think are getting “rich” on YouTube aren’t, either. YouTube ad revenue sucks. To make any kind of decent money that way (vs plugging for a brand or product), every single video you produce needs to be getting millions of views, and that’s a tiny group of channels.

More likely, it’s had its ass halfway out a garage or overhang every weekend for 20 years without regular waxing, and the rear faded faster than the front. Uneven paint fade is extremely common, not a reason in itself to think the car is suspect.

I love the i8. I love the Tesla Model S, too. But the i8 stands for the convergence of gasoline and electric drivetrains that enthusiasts can be excited about. It’s damn good-looking, to boot. Anyone hating on this car’s aesthetics hasn’t walked by one at the curb - they’re absolutely stunning. Even if the program

The fries are definitely the meh part of the In ‘n Out experience, I’ll back you up there. They’re OK at best when piping hot, but once they lose the heat they’re nearly inedible. They’re better animal style, but what isn’t better with a ton of cheese, grilled onions, and mayo-based lubricant?

Completely agree that the 6 is a bit more gutless than some people might have you think. That 2.5 is a fine engine in the smaller, lighter 3, but in something the size of the 6 you’re definitely left wanting more. I hope Mazda removes their heads from their rears and puts the turbocharged version from the new CX-9 in

No, that source you’re quoting does not show Tesla doesn’t have a quality problem. Owners like their car servicing experiences != car is reliable. The fact that most owners are especially familiar with Tesla’s great post-purchase customer service is in and of itself a potential sign that quality isn’t outstanding.

I’m not sure how it is in England, but I have to think Jeremy exaggerates this because he is subject to a hell of a lot more attention as a celebrity.

Having done a bit of the consumer advocacy beat in my job, you know what I’ve learned? New media and tech are absolute magnets for these guys.

This song was among the best on Pablo. But Pablo was easily his weakest album yet, and the least self-aware. It’s too bad, because Yeezus was rough but raw, and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was a grandiose epic. But neither were amazing.

Mazda’s incentives are pretty few and generally not very strong. And I wouldn’t call the prices no haggle, but there’s clearly not much room for the dealers to move around on something like the 3 until you’re at the upper trim levels. National offers are also usually pretty tame compared to Ford, Honda, etc.

Given that just showing up and trying to sell some cars would likely end terribly for them, I’m not really sure I can blame PSA. What compelling, marketable quality do their products have for an American audience?

I love the idea of C&C. I really do. I’ve gone to the Malibu one a couple times now that the greater LA area has broken up into regional meets. It’s a good time and the people are generally friendly and bring interesting, fun, and cool cars. Most of them drive completely civilly, too.

Lolwut? This is probably the worst pro-vehicle argument I’ve ever read. Like, is this satire? You seriously believe that vehicles keep Americans safer because they have door locks and glass windows?