David Ruddock

I guess it depends how central wine is to the dish. If it's mostly there for color and "richness," any old red that isn't too sweet will probably be fine (eg, a tomato sauce or beef stew), if it's one of the main ingredients (coq au vin, for example), there is some discretion worth having, I think.

Skoda really does have some very talented designers. I absolutely love the interior here - despite the number of buttons, it has a delightfully spartan aesthetic with edgy but handsome lines.

I think the Fiesta ST took a lot of what Ford learned making the Focus ST and improved on it - the result of the Fiesta being a newer vehicle and having the benefit of that hindsight. So, it almost sort of felt inevitable that the Fiesta ST would be more fun.

this car is going to sell for nowhere near 20k - this is not a valid entry.

Even if there isn't a big DoD buyer, this design's huge speed advantage must have Sikorsky's commercial and public sector customers intrigued. Search and rescue / med evac, especially. Besides, a Gulfstream is so 90s - all the cool execs are going to want push-prop exotic superchoppers.


Man, I don't give two shits about downhill riding but those announcers had me PUMPED.

Again, we were shopping on overall balance, not speed, which would be evident if you read what I wrote and simply didn't try to throw horsepower at me. We were not buying a performance car, we were looking for something with lots of features, tech, good power, good driving dynamics, strong safety, good MPG, and lots

Find anything with remotely that level of standard equipment and a respectable driving experience at the $26k mark, though. We looked and looked for something that had a similar balance of tech, luxury, sportiness, practicality, and power, and it doesn't exist.

Those sound like much fairer points. As to paint, no one is doing a great job, it seems. Wax 3 times a year and sealant once every 12 months! It will keep even the worst paint alive.

I think if that's your total number of non-consumable repairs (and I'd argue AC compressors are practically consumables, as are motor mounts) in 250,000 miles, Honda is not "half-assing" much.

I agree that in the high-end luxury and sports segment, a lot of the technology is, and has been for some years now, laughably gimmicky. Especially on the subject of "sport" modes and magical chassis-damping unicorn juice. If they can't show you in numbers how it makes the car better, I'm not really interested from a

You don't get it. It's OK. No one is telling you that you have to like the i3, but from what you say, it's very obvious you have zero inclination to try.

People aren't buying the SS because it's a car without a market in the US. Any car whose primary market is "internet commenters / car forum members" is a car without a market. Yes, we all love the idea of a sub-$50,000 4-door American V8-with-a-stick because

I get it. You have a Volt, as you seem intent on telling everyone. And you still focus on the powertrain - the i3 is not about the powertain. Hybrids and generator EVs were ideas long before even the Volt happened. If you don't get the car, you don't get it. I'm not saying it's the best car for you, but you clearly

People just don't get the i3, which is sad. BMW-philes hate it because it's not a new, fast, typical BMW. BMW haters hate it because... it's a BMW. Everyone else on the internet apparently hates the looks, but honestly, I don't think there's a single car in the last 10 years that has grown on me so much the more I see

Can confirm: don't think I've seen a single one in the last five years, if not longer. Granted, the sedans are still everywhere.

They weren't exactly common to begin with, or reliable. They were headed for obscurity the moment they rolled out of the factory.

Can't say I've ever seen one, but if I had, I probably would have mistook it for a Nissan.

Another one I hadn't even thought of. I used to see CRXs all the time when I was in high school, and then bam: they just kind of disappeared. I've seen a couple in LA since I moved here, but they're few and far between. I'm guessing most of them have just had the interiors or body trim beat to hell, and it's starting