David Ruddock

I'm not a big Mazda guy, like, at all, but the RX-8 has to be one of the most flubbed cult-classic relaunches in history. It had everything going for it, at least on paper - a revamped rotary powerplant, super cool flush rear passenger doors, decent looks, and it was called RX-8.

Ah, fair enough. I forgot about those.

To everyone saying buy used, I've got three words for you: Fi. Nanc. Ing.

I feel bad for the person selling this car. They took great care of it, to the point of near absurdity, probably because either A.) they genuinely loved it, or B.) they expected that, like most Porsches, it would appreciate over the years if it was preserved.


To put it in the technical parlance, this is pretty fucking cool.

I agree. I also don't believe this person should be in jail. She did something very, very dumb. She will have shame, guilt, and probably emotional problems to deal with for the rest of her life because of it. She's going to suffer plenty, not that I feel particularly vengeful toward her or anything.

Flying domestic, I could give a crap which airline it is, to be honest. Anything less than 5 hours in the tin can is no big deal, as long as my legs can stretch out far enough and I don't constantly get hit in the knees by the person in front of me. I look at it this way: if I can handle a car ride that long without

The fizzing is strong with this one.

"Liebeck sought to settle with McDonald's for $20,000 to cover her actual and anticipated expenses... the company offered only $800."

That would be way too reasonable, simple, and cost-effective.

Not exactly. The analogy would be going to Lowe's, buying a store-brand BBQ (if they sold such a thing), then going online and Googling "lowes BBQ instructions" and getting some "hacked" instructions from LowesHacks.com that somehow resulted in this person burning down their house or suffering severe burns.

Well yeah, except they leave out the fact that this was a 79-year-old woman and the coffee was so hot it gave her gruesome third-degree burns on her thighs and pubic area. McDonald's literally was serving people nearly-boiling coffee. They lowered the temperature significantly after that suit, which I think was

I can all but guarantee this is IKEA's CLO / head of business affairs (aka bloodsucker in chief) pushing the company into doing this, and I definitely guarantee it's been a long time coming. From a lawyer's point of view, IkeaHackers is a liability nightmare. By encouraging people to purpose IKEA products in ways they

Good tips.

Well, that sucks. Yet another reason to get AAA Premier (that's the top tier of AAA) - it provides $100 of home locksmith coverage per year (via reimbursement), and AAA dispatches the locksmith to your home. It's an independent of their choosing, but they obviously have to be legit, otherwise it's AAA's ass for

So I get that better fuel economy is great and all, and that diesels are better for the trees and have more torque and are what all trucks should kind of have anyway because they should be trucks, not glorified vans for taking the kids to soccer, buuuuuuuuuuuuut.......

You did, and you used roaming minutes. Google Voice is only free to call if you're using a computer to make the calls. If you're using your phone, it is not and never has been a way to circumvent your minute plan of your cell provider, voice calls still go through your standard plan, not Google. You did roam, and you

"And he hasn't given a reason."

I think that's more of a problem because they're an exotic OEM, and people tend to have this irrational requirement that everything exotic be bespoke. I think that's kind of silly, to be honest.