RD Padouk

I thought the same thing. It could be suggested that the outfit he wore in some scenes was a call-out to Han. And, let's face it, put Baby in the Millennial Falcon, and there is no asteroid field in the universe that he couldn't deal with.

Yes, I totally agree. I really enjoyed "The Host," and was expecting something more satirical and, well, entertaining. There were so many themes thrown in that weren't developed well. And the horrifying scenes were, indeed, hellish. (They also made this film completely unsuitable for children - which, when viewed

Breaking Bad fans recall the way Gilligan uses colors a lot for symbolic purposes. So why does Kim's color seem to be purplish-blue?

Glad I wasn't the only one who caught that!

No mention of the toy pig? The distracting toy pig? Love these moments of Breaking Bad fan-service.

My kids and I watched this. It wasn't the most engrossing show of the era, but it certainly had the best intentions. And we all fondly remember the slime monster.

My wife and I were married in 1988. My family insisted I have a videographer to record this magical event. The bride and I refused. And we have never regretted that decision, for these things seldom go well.

I am going to watch this out of curiosity, but you can see the Swedish original, Äkta människorä, on Vimeo free, and legal, with English subtitles. What it lacks in polish compared to the English version, it makes up for in nuance.