Watching this is entrancing, yet fills me with a dread that I remember back when I used to play this on my cell phone. The tension that twists and turns I had to make then are relieved, and it's something I thought I wouldn't feel again!
Watching this is entrancing, yet fills me with a dread that I remember back when I used to play this on my cell phone. The tension that twists and turns I had to make then are relieved, and it's something I thought I wouldn't feel again!
Upon reflection, Mass Effect might not be the biggest, best thing that happened to my gaming resume, nor probably what I'd pick as "best designed" or "best in story".
But damn, that series sucked me in, chewed me out, and made me feel. That's it's real joy, and I do pray more people get to enjoy that series like so…
Amen, Mr. Cook. I blame marketing everywhere, and how we've hedged this ultra-masculine identity into gaming. The problem with the "bro" image is that it shuts everyone else out, and it's not limited to the Xbox, (although it's the one that carries this symbol proudest). Gamers want people to like playing. We can't…
I downloaded this a few hours ago. My typing this is taking too long. Must. Get. My. iPad. Play. More. Nimble. Quest.
Half-Life 3 & Portal 3. Come on, Valve, you know you want to.
Waiting for the GIFs of Tina Amini jumping up and down for her fave game! :D
While what I really want is a new IP from Blizzard, I can get behind the idea of a free-to-play card game. Good (in-game) systems make good games, so this could be the litmus test to see if they've "still got it" as game designers.
After a certain point, I found Far Cry 3's bow too weak and slow compared to all the other weapons I could put a silencer on. Kinda surprised it made it to #2. Kinda surprised Skyrim made it at all, when I'm thinking Zelda, or even the WiiSports bow as engaging archery experiences too.
I lost my esteem for Riccitiello and EA over the years. At the very least, his resignation hints at him bowing out dignified after the shit he dumped on the company and the brand of both EA and games as a whole (i.e.: Dante's Inferno marketing).
I found Tomb Raider extremely enjoyable too! I think my first taste of the 'backtrack run' was me fast-traveling across different spots, just to push the completion rate higher. There's something of a meta-game that exists with finding the items you glossed over. The level with the crashed plane where you first get to…
Weelllp, I ain' buying SimCity then.
Months from now, I suppose the servers won't be too strained so I won't mind the DRM.
I can get why people are upset with the achievement's name. I don't get why people are so quick to defend it. Are we so allergic to feminism?
I actually really like it. And I'm a dude at 29 who, when he was a boy, found no problem watching the Double Dragon gut punch scene again and again. I see it now, and I still find it amusing on comedic, idiot-level "god that's so dumb" levels.
In principle, I am not a fan of having to sell something you treasure (and made plans for) to finance a wedding, which need not be expensive at all.
Slashing the price for the Vita sounds okay. But slash the price for the proprietary hard drive units that it requires to download and play cool games? THEN (and only then!) will I bite.
Sell it as a disc that I put into a console and the whole family can play, as opposed to buying a disc, that only I can play, thanks to draconian PC DRM rules.
I bet these are the same people who
It was made with Shaq in mind.
Republicans. All older than 45. Figures. They prefer their guns and are not into games.