
How about being happy with what you have rather than "needing" to have bleeding edge technology all the time?

@MadMacs: Cool story, bro!!

Believe me, you don't want to play for the C. Bears

Does this explain why McMahon mows his lawn in just his underwear?

You wouldn't download a car.

Wolfram Alpha has all the answers!!

@GenericHenchmanNo.4: "BAWWWW!!! I'm scared of bittorrent." Sorry but I can't take noobs like you seriously.

Football is America's sport.

@Drunken_Donuts: It's not the same thing. Also, 3D will never be mandated by the government (unlike the HDTV signal).

3D for TV and movies is just a fad.

@aemroth: Vector illustration is AWESOME.

@infi: You mean the sex scene?

That's dumb, EA. I bought Angry Birds for only $.99. Other can get it for free.

Fine words by former Apple CEO Gil Amelio, "Apple is like a ship with a hole in the bottom, leaking water, and my job is to get the ship pointed in the right direction."

@kozump916: Or how about the FAG who is grotesquely enamored by some man that the sports media calls the football messiah? Such a savior is beyond such petty violations like sexual harassment.

@Chris Hanson's Axe: Well, Gruden and Jaws are contractually obligated to talk about Favre on air at least once every three minutes.