How about being happy with what you have rather than "needing" to have bleeding edge technology all the time?
How about being happy with what you have rather than "needing" to have bleeding edge technology all the time?
@MadMacs: Cool story, bro!!
Believe me, you don't want to play for the C. Bears
Does this explain why McMahon mows his lawn in just his underwear?
You wouldn't download a car.
@Sir Hotbod Handsomeface: He wears a dandy generic 4 jersey in his Wrangler commercials.
Wolfram Alpha has all the answers!!
@GenericHenchmanNo.4: "BAWWWW!!! I'm scared of bittorrent." Sorry but I can't take noobs like you seriously.
Football is America's sport.
@GenericHenchmanNo.4: Nobody cares that you are a pussy.
@Drunken_Donuts: It's not the same thing. Also, 3D will never be mandated by the government (unlike the HDTV signal).
3D for TV and movies is just a fad.
@GenericHenchmanNo.4: Cool story, bro.
@aemroth: Vector illustration is AWESOME.
@infi: You mean the sex scene?
That's dumb, EA. I bought Angry Birds for only $.99. Other can get it for free.
Fine words by former Apple CEO Gil Amelio, "Apple is like a ship with a hole in the bottom, leaking water, and my job is to get the ship pointed in the right direction."
@kozump916: Or how about the FAG who is grotesquely enamored by some man that the sports media calls the football messiah? Such a savior is beyond such petty violations like sexual harassment.
@Chris Hanson's Axe: Well, Gruden and Jaws are contractually obligated to talk about Favre on air at least once every three minutes.