
Maybe if you had a better browser, not to mention any names (...Opera...), your experience would be easier.

Is it really a bad thing if accountants from two quite different organisations forcibly introduced their engineers to each other (ever tried introducing housecats that never had the prior benefit of siblings?), and then the resultant bastard bucket of bolts fails to draw attention to itself??? (!)

The Dutch apparently have a word for when one is squicked out/&/or embarrassed on the part of others. Wish I could remember what that was, but it's apparently somewhat of a social asset like sensitivity.

Did they ever recover?

Do we really know it's even a she?

Apparently Bugs Bunny's already got that cornered, tho if global warming comes first is anybodies guess. Virtually all of Florida is below the Greenland line, so it's only necessary to secure the border.

Playing a game theory contest by itself doesn't confer any merit agreed, however opting out as the Dems have done infers a significant level of frustration.

@twk, could you go and eat puppies quietly please?

Unofficially there's always Canada. They may not want to deal with you, but any doctors there are legally required to offer appropriate treatment if there is no available alternative under common law. Canadian care is cheaper for your insurance anyway even if you're billed full cost.

Well that just wouldn't be a problem if babies would just get off their flabby asses and go earn a salary like normal people. Who do they think they're kidding with their goo-goo and wailing spiel?

Butt. Focus was not so much hockey, but hockey person tail, which is wholly comendible.

I hear the Kuergulen island are relatively free of politics, although one has to speak French. Is Canadian the same as speaking French?

On the upside, it would appear said hound detested the owners. So this is kind of a win, yeah?

Isn't that a Montreal issue rather than Air Canada? I've shagged several Montrealers, and they're all pretty skeptical re what comes out of their own town.

My condolences re Harper. We have an aggro adolescent as PM in Oz, so if you figure out how to rid Harper, please be sure to let us know...

No question I'm naive, but did you just say get a room?

I was more thinking of investments like 401k (retirement), REITs and publicly listed companies declaring their exposure to coastal areas below 8 meters. Moving stuff sounds a little like politics. I don't do politics. There be dragons.

Too true. But *some* folks are suggesting quitting investing below the Greenland line (sea level +8m), so, if they're right that would mean it would be cheaper to forgo barriers in favor of floating infrastructure. So happy I don't have to make those sorts of decisions.

The way you say "drug-fuelled, naked, vulgar, blasphemous" is almost as if you think those are bad things...

Au contraire. Cats have the same facial musculature as primates, complete with facial expressions if you're familiar with them. Cats also won't put up with humans who are interacting with a puppet/cartoon character in their head, and somehow, dogs do.