Red Guard

Post-incident conduct — that term has come to haunt me. When I was concerned about emails with Jian, they were emails from before [the assault]. I wasn’t even thinking about after because I didn’t think it mattered — because it shouldn’t matter. Now I understand that it matters because it measures your memory. I

Anyone else curious if she will still want to bang this guy post-trial? I mean, she still wanted to bang him after he raped her, losing a trial is not as bad as rape, so maybe?

this is ridiculous stop blaming the cops, stop blaming the prosecution, for what ive read the women withheld information from them; they withheld information from their own lawyers . You really think a lawyer didn’t ask these questions of them. Then saying i didn’t think a hand job was considered sexual conduct. also

But you can’t question a victim! If they did there would have been outrage. How dare the police and Crown not just believe what a victim said?!

The people who have pushed the “You have to believe the victim” movement to where it is now are to blame for a system that is terrified of dealing with victims.

I mean, I understand how people can be sexually assaulted/raped by someone they know and “compartmentalize” it, then continue on as if nothing happened somewhat. But to not think comments/actions made like this = “I didn’t know my memory was on trial” is a bit troubling. Absent audio or video, THAT’S exactly what’s on

She lies so much she’s even lying after the trial about when she talked to the police. There is no way the police never told her that her statement was under oath and could be used.

These women have let everyone down by lying under oath. And that fuck goes free.

Are you kidding? Your telling me that you go to the police, make a statement in the hopes that your alleged rapist will be charged and eventually go to court, and you didn’t realize your statement would be used in said course?

“I wasn’t even thinking about after because I didn’t think it mattered — because it shouldn’t matter.”

In a trial based on memories of an experience, why wouldn’t you think your memories would be part of the trial? That is literally the entire basis of the case.

This is what confuses me:

It’s quite surprising. I know all that just from watching Law and Order, Law and Order Criminal Intent, Law and Order Special Victims Unit, Law and Order: Their First Assignment, Law and Order: Back in Training ...

This is ridiculous. Of course they are going to look into your recollection of things. That’s what cross examination is. Who was giving them legal counsel? Furthermore, how can you expect a court to convict someone of a crime and punish him accordingly, based on your testimony if your testimony is not clear,

that’s a poorly worded statement by the judge, but the witnesses’ credibility was severely damaged. if that hadn’t happened, then their testimony would’ve been enough to convict. if they don’t look credible, then the testimony is not worth much without other evidence to back it up.

It comes down to the prosecution not presenting their case well enough, and part of that is the truthfulness and reliability of the witnesses. ‘

Look, Ghomeshi is a total piece of shit, but we have to have SOME measures in place to protect the bedrock of the justice system (the presumption of innocence of the accused).

But he is right. There is a vocal set of people who are committed to “believing survivors/accusers” based on nothing other than the fact that they have accused someone of sexual assault. This describes many commenters here on Jezebel. It ignores any interest in finding the actual truth and is a bananas way of going

Waaaaaiiitttt. Why do you still believe the women if a trial was carried out by professionals and the man was judged by a Jury of his peers, and was deemed to be not guilty of the charges leveled against them. What else could he possibly do to prove he is not guilty? Do the people who claim to believe accusers know

Regardless of everything else, who the fuck thinks a hand job isn’t a sexual encounter? You have a dick in your hand, lady. I mean, really!

I wish they felt supported enough to be completely forthcoming. The Crown could have easily brought expert witnesses to explain why the women's behaviour afterwards in contacting him was not unusual. I feel like the judge actually believed them but his hands were tied because they lied on the witness stand. And if you

I would actually argue that I would prefer to be put to death to life in prison.