Do you own a vibrator or dildo?
Do you own a vibrator or dildo?
Do you think real men make that buzzy noise when you’re having sex?
...she writes as she dildos herself to orgasm.
Much bigger.
Trans flag??
I love it when the SJWs do the same thing as their opponents.
Implied is one thing, openly is another.
Nobody is happy how they look is the message.
Facts are such frustrating things.
It must really suck to have your attempts to blame everything on the white man sunk by facts.
It was that way in India before colonization by Europeans.
The pay she makes laying on her front, rather than on her back.
No she is not.
Brussel sprouts.
Here’s a clue, Turkey isn’t part of the EU because of its own laws.
Playing other women....
It is inferior, or they’d be playing the men.
It’s articles like this that make understand that the left can be just as irrational as the right.
They pretty much do, but only where the white man is concerned. You could cut the white guilt at that place with a butter knife.