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    Wait wait wait....it was 3 hours long???

    All of this, and I would add he sounds like he has marbles in his mouth.

    How did sending small children to a stranger’s ranch in the woods ever become a thing??? Like how did they convince the first set of parents, no it’s cool, just send us your 10 year old, you stay away, and we’ll take care of her until she blows out a knee then we’ll send her home. I get once 50 parents have done it I

    Tim Gunn’s interrogation was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. His tone would have been appropriate if he were asking about dead hookers under her bed. But not over a stupid measuring tape.

    Please for the love of God stop with the Zuckerberg talk. He is the worst of Clinton (no personality and as warm as a box of rocks) combined with worst of Trump (no experience in government, used to running a company any way he wants, and no one has ever told him no). Just no. No no no no no.

    I’m impressed by anyone who knows the date they met their significant other. I have no idea what what month my husband and I even got engaged, much less the exact day we met.

    Why does he dress better for an NBA game than he does for work?