
Eh, my nonna was from northern Italy and pronounced Italian foods way differently than central or southern Italians did. To this day I have no idea if it was due to her dialect or just the fact that a lot of the popular Italian dishes here in America were not ones she grew up eating. Pretty much anything with an "e"

Of course, because it's the whore pills that make us want to have sex. Without them we go back to being docile, knocked-up housewives.

Right? It's bound to happen. Or better yet, make it a Catholic v Protestant difference of opinion. I keep thinking that if the US Conference of Catholic Bishops could be divided from the other part of the religious right conglomerate, then the infighting would hopefully lead to the total self-cannibalization of that

Thanks for looking that up! Handy information to pass along to others.

Who knew googling vitiligo would lead to so many pictures of penises? Probably shouldn't have done that while at work...

Hawkeye would have been killer. Naming kids after tv or movies can be dicey. A family friend gave their son the middle name of Maverick. Not because of the surf spot but because of Top Gun. And this was recent so there's way they can claim that didn't know how weird Cruise would end up being.

Oh, it's a real thing. Luckily, and I assume because I do not live in the south, I've only been served this once. It's definitely not something I would tell others to try. Ever.

Yeah, I usually can find the good in most things but this just fails on so many levels.

I'm sorry! But, it's comforting to know there are others out there who understand what this abomination tastes like.

And we're not talking fresh pears. CANNED pears. Cheese and fruit only work when the fruit is fresh. Or it's apple pie.

Mayo, in the right setting, can be good. Frankly, I don't think it's the cheese/mayo combo that is the worst part but the oily, lubricating nature of the mayo combined with the slick gritty softness of canned pears. It's like mixing oil, water, and sand in your mouth. The resulting unmixed combo is really off-putting.

The canning experiment was so disgusting that I only made it through dumping two of the five jars. I still have three jars taunting me.

Well, that's why you add a crapton of sugar!

Mayo + Bananas? Who are these people?!

Nope. Rhubarb pie is FUCKING DELICIOUS.

Hey, after having to choke this down at friend's house to "be polite", I need to torture as many people as possible with it. It still makes me shudder.

C.A., I agree with pretty much your entire list. However, I would like to add this monstrosity of a dessert: Pears with Mayonnaise and Cheddar Cheese.

Oh god is tapioca disgusting. My grandmother used to use occasionally as a thickener in her apple pies. The pearls would swell up to the size of fish-eyes. What sucked is you never knew if you were getting fish-eye pie or normal (thickened with flour) pie until you got a piece.

In the early 1990s a designer at Subaru must have had a fondness for strippers to come up with "Misty Dawn Metallic".

You're describing a cholo-bro. Different subset of SoCal broness.