Good to know that Same Assholes Everywhere are living up to their nickname.
Good to know that Same Assholes Everywhere are living up to their nickname.
That seriously one of the best houses. Sometimes I watch the movie just for the house. Someday I will have a rambly kitchen with a butler's pantry and a greenhouse just off of it.
Jill Shalvis, Victoria Dahl, Jaci Burton (Play series), Vivian Arend, Kate Pearce, Lorelei James, Jayne Rylon/Mari Carr, Elle Kennedy, Delilah Devlin...kind of going from sexy/cute to sexy/dirty.
Ughh. I knew there was a reason I couldn't bring myself to read that article this morning.
The Jesuit who would fill in at my childhood parish during our normal priest's yearly vacation back to Ireland was the same way. His Sunday masses flew and people always made it home in time for kickoff.
But isn't this exactly what American coverage has been for as long as the Olympics have been televised? I still think there are many issues around NBC's prime time coverage but that is because I'd rather see a round-up of all the day's events regardless who won medals. I can understand where we differ on that, I just…
I'll never understand pairing nude/cream with light heathered grey. Ever. But damn those boots are HORRIBLE. They look like they should have a horseshoe on the bottom. At least then they'd work for something like the Folsom St. Fair.
I was thinking the same thing. I grew up in a pretty rural area, little to no non-whites, and unfortunately you could many times tell the socio-economic status of the parents by the names they chose for their kids. Unfortunately, the statistics of kids from that background ever making it higher up on the economic…
I have seen that man one too many times in shorts and cowboy boots wandering the grocery store when I was a kid. That look is good on no one.
My padre, a product of LA/San Diego, ingrained dude into our lexicon as kids. I'm kind of surprised it wasn't one of our first words. When I call he will sometimes still answer the phone with a very happy !Dudette!. I love it :)
No kidding! We've got huckleberries all along the west coast but those cherries are damn tasty!
Double IPAs are those hardcore outdoorsy guys who live by the free in life: free climbing, free heel it (tele) while skiing, and will show up to your house and stay for weeks. You'll let him because he's tasty and hilarious but too much of him will numb you to his charms.
And you get bonus points for utilizing Mrs. White.
See, that's the thing. Everyone picks and chooses from religious books to justify whatever their end goal is. That's why I really think that it becomes the responsibility of the individual to continually question and research their faith, call it testing if you want. And to have a sense of humor about the whole thing.…
I was hoping that someone else in Jezzieland would post this series! One of favorites of all time. I'm kind feeling the need to re-read them now.
Yeah, they liked to keep to the non-freaky bits. It's like going to weddings where they have people reading from the Song of Solomon and you're like, seriously? The Bible had sex in it? How come the priest doesn't read that part on Sundays?
From what I remember, Catholics lump them all in together. When you're in Church you can peruse the missal and see each day's readings, responsorial psalm, and gospel. There is a pattern over the course of the year depending on if you're in regular time, lent, advent, etc.