
Ah, yes. "They". But of course.

I saw The Avengers the first time in theater and I seriously enjoyed it. Like, a lot. Then I watched it again after it was released on BluRay and struggled to pay attention. It certainly didn't lessen my enjoyment of it, and I consider it an incredibly entertaining flick, but I doubt I could watch it again — at least

January 12?

I'm usually not one to bash games. I take gaming disappointment and unfulfilled promises as well as anyone, because usually I really don't care because I have a life to lead.

I'm going to say Obi-Wan Kenobi, because I was just rewatching Hardware Wars, and the funniest, most spot-on moment is where Oggie Ben Doggie tells them, "Nah, you guys go on without me," and they're all like "Martyr!". Obi-Wan goes into a trap for no good reason that I can see, and instead of just trying to distract