
How’d he go 27 hours without playing Lacrosse? 

That’s Berkeley Chadwick VI to you, peasant

Waiting for the statute of limitations to expire. It was done in 2013, but only released this year. 

Why apologize? Because I don’t think we should be running uncensored screenshots of animations of young characters from popular fiction having sex. I’m not saying we should write about it or even in some fashion show people what it is we’re talking about, but how we presented it exceeded what many readers expected.


I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but 2K and Gearbox have been unloading clip after clip into their own foot and I just can’t understand why. I mean other than the usual issue of misguided power oafs being unable to change course.

He was skinny, that’s enough for most people to assume he was also healthy.

his sister’s letter states that he was a victim of abuse and battled various disorders. we do not know what exactly that means, but one could infer that he may have been abused as a child, and this may have been a case of the abused repeting abuse they suffered,and that was what she was referring to. Again, we do not

I’ve read the reddit post with the devs statement about the situation but I still think they made the wrong choice by publicly cutting ties with Alec so soon after the allegations came out, yes they say there was already history of Alec being unstable but by their own admission they didn’t know about how abusive he

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


Omg, one out of the thousands in the public sphere accused of sexual abuse is a woman. I guess that voids everything women and children experience.

Seriously. I mean, they all sound like creeps, but it takes a real piece of shit to say that hitting up a 14 year old for nudes isn't his fault and to claim that he's a victim too.

Interesting article to be sure because it makes you think. This is a product of the era we’re in right now where people have these little celebrities that they feel really close to because they can send them comments or donations and talk in the chat and be responded to in real time. You’ve got “titty streamers” who

After addressing the allegations him in an email to Kotaku, Mizumi sent another email a couple of minutes later: “Also, if you do mention me in your article, don’t forget to include a link to my YouTube channel. Thanks again :).”

Glad these people came forward but can’t say I’m surprised that yet another game whose target market are children and teens is infested with “cool guy/gal” 20 somethings and older who are in fact nonces and abusers.

It’s really interesting when you think how good 1992 in the World Championship “should” have been. All the ingredients existed for 1992 to be a full, 20+ car season with five factory teams, but the budgets were just way too high at the exact wrong time. A lot of people blame Bernie for his decision to change the Group

How is a journalist soliciting sources immature? Second, perhaps this is the reason they say “Keep your enemies closer.”

“If, however, you worked on Fallout 4 and would like to discuss this gun and/or other scrapped game elements, I’d love to talk with you (anonymously or otherwise—your call). My email’s below. Fire away.”

The styling was polarizing, but speaking from first hand experience, the acceleration of the ME412 mule was uncanny. It was like the hand of god cupping your backside and thrusting you forward. Yep - pretty much that.

Really? The design revolutions that were the LH cars? And the JX cars? And the Neon? And Viper? And '94 Ram. And '93 Grand Cherokee? And '96 Chrysler minivans? Dakota/Durango? Prowler? Chrysler is pretty much solely responsible for realizing the dreams of car buffs everywhere by putting wild concept cars into

I've always liked that, and I drove it so much in Forza that I forgot it wasn't actually a production car. Maybe the new Chrysler could do something like this.