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    Totally agree. The lib/conservative thing was pretty shallow. Alan Alda was excellent, even if his dialog sometimes was a little contrived. I liked Jessica Lange, somewhat understated (at least relatively speaking). Edie Falco didn't get much to work with, unfortunately.

    I downloaded it and watched it. Not bad, very play-like in its over-dramatisation. If there's more episodes, I'll probably watch them.

    Honestly, I've always enjoyed Adam way more when he's part of a group, so maybe I'll give one a listen some time. He's gotten increasingly insufferable over the years and I'm sure a great deal of it is no one challenging him at all.

    "Carolla’s new legal chat podcast"

    "I'm having a hard time imagining Mike Francesca talking about sports with a twenty-something female anyone on earth without being at least a little condescending"

    Yep, she was nice and appropriately nerdy. I'll have to pass along to her that she has fans!

    I actually went to high school with Amelia. She was very nice, and her Facebook has been blowing up with support. iirc, appearing on Jeopardy was a life goal of hers. It's been fun watching her win, even though this game was indeed pretty awful.

    Yeah, I used to drive long hours for work (when podcasting wasn't even a thing yet) and blew through a few years worth of Loveline episodes via lovelinetapes.com. I would describe Adam back then as fun-loving and almost liberal in his politics (though he hated groups like the ACLU). Now he's almost fascist and it's

    Excellent comment. As someone who was a big fan of Loveline-era Carolla, I used to check out his podcast whenever he'd have a guest I liked. I liked Rosen's upbeat personality a lot and I'm glad she's doing well.

    Two of my favorites, that I consider essential listening to anyone even passingly interested in our criminal justice system, are the one with Adrian Schoolcraft and the one about drug courts ('Very Tough Love').

    I like that she has continued to grow and have fun after getting fired by Adam Carolla.

    I've only ever listened to it a handful of times, but Sound Opinions is pretty great and is highly regarded.

    Jesus Christ. The things people needed to do before the internet.

    ha, I got it. Just needlessly poking more fun at Zach Braff.

    Are you saying Zach Braff is this generation's Walt Whitman?

    I must say, I got entirely too much pleasure out of that phrase. The article itself is excellent and thorough, but 'What Braffened' is my biggest takeaway.

    An easier way to know something's been downvoted (though you don't get the numbers) is when you have the comments sorted by 'best' and a post with a higher amount of upvotes is below other posts.

    yep, @DDB9000 linked to it below. thanks.

    Ah, thank you for that!

    "Well, the Wounded Knee incident was only six years earlier,"