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    No mention of Weekend Update? It's about as bad as it's ever been.

    He might still be doing the write-up. It was a great episode with a lot to cover.

    I love Morrissey, but barf. I hate it when artists, esp. ones who are getting older, lose their touch and begin writing straight-forward, face-value lyrics, particularly when they're political in nature. But also: these lyrics are dumb. DFW debunked the idiotic notion of not-voting in Up, Simba!.

    I thought the answer was pretty easy, but by the time even Roger got it wrong, I was having doubts. I mean, it's Cartier, so it'll be a Canadian entity, and it's Queen Victoria's father, so it's going to be a British royalty name. PEI has 'Prince Edward' right there at the beginning. Shocked that the whole group

    I'm with you on everything, and congratulations for having the fortitude to stare it all down and work hard/stay motivated. Many, many days I can't. But, and I hope I'm not sounding like a jerk here, is 'the guy had so much to live for' something that should be said?

    As someone who only occasionally watches Jeopardy! anymore, I must ask the n00b question: Do any of the three that play today have a realistic chance against either Ken or Brad?

    If I had a TV show, I know I'd be lobbying for that as the tagline.

    Well, he might be doing well the last 4+ years, but the guy is in his mid-40s. He had plenty of time to live the life, reflect on it, and use his talents as a comedian and writer to portray it. I guess it's just a matter of personal opinion, but imo an artist doesn't have to be currently living a situation for it to

    At least you're not watching Dexter anymore!

    That's how Jeff Goldblum pronounces them.

    Can't wait til 7PM. Go Rangers! Crosby has been so annoying this series (and presumably all playoffs; I've only been watching the Rangers). Instigating, taking cheap shots, and then letting his team fight for him.

    He's talking about the episode where Louie's old comedian friend that he started out with comes to town to tell Louie that he's going to kill himself. To the OP, that episode was supremely 'affecting' and s/he is bewildered at being given yet another episode on that level.

    Yep, it was all about context. It was used in an important and literal way, and they made a good choice in not bleeping it. Couple that with Louie's frustrated toss-off 'FUCK!' exclamation on the subway in the next EP, and it's easy to see why they bleeped one and not the other.

    I agree somewhat, but your point (which is a good one) plays into what the reviewer is saying about this season so far and its dream-like qualities. If this is a dream/whatever, it would make sense for Louie's subconscious mind to talk to him like that. An obvious comparison would be Kafka. There are plenty of

    But how does he succeed? You're not answering that part at all. Everyone else is giving you very specific reasons for not liking him, and your comeback seems to be that he can read and that that's good enough for you. If your bar is that low, more power to you, I guess.

    So I went back and looked, and I do recall correctly. The only thing you kept saying about him is that he 'successfully reads the jokes into the camera. The end'. So, his big virtue in your eyes is that he can read. You have no argument, you're just being contrarian. Stop trying to sound cool.

    So explain his virtues maybe? IIRC, you said last week (when you made the same 'just trying to sound cool' argument) that what you like best about him is that he can read.

    I figured that's what you meant, considering your username. Glad to know it's true! Keep being awesome, esp. in re your comments below to the poster below.

    Just FYI, but there definitely exists the paradox of someone who is unhappy with their body because it's considered too 'fat' overeating because of this fact. A person's mental body image has nothing to do with how healthy they are physically. Being able to accept yourself as potentially beautiful to someone (ie

    I was going to say the same thing, until I read Sonia's pick. Such a good pick.