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    Good job not even reading the rest of my post and zeroing in on a part that I even listed as 'an aside'. Yep, the One Direction thing is the sole reason I hate the guy. Way to read, No-Read.

    I personally hate him just as a movie-goer. Some of his movies are in the same vein as Michael Moore: propaganda movies masquerading as 'documentaries'. But even worse than Moore, Spurlock's p.o.v. is generally bland/fish-in-a-barrel at best and almost non-existent at worst. His other movies are just mind-numbingly

    I had no idea Cedric the Entertainer was hosting this show. With Steve Harvey hosting Family Feud, we were halfway there to having the original Kings of Comedy dominate day-time game shows.

    24, one episode seasons, each season spread out six months apart. Better Talk Saul will, however, air year-round.

    You needed this asshole to tell you that soda is bad for you?

    I saw the title of this article and immediately wanted to rush in with a hearty, 'FUCK MORGAN SPURLOCK'. For once, I'm glad my intense hatred has company.

    Cam becomes a robot, maybe Luke gets a cell phone, has Jay ever owned a bear? Or, how 'bout a crazy wedding? Where something happens, do do do do

    I will deal with it by downing a refreshing Mr. Pibb in my Ray-Ban sunglasses while sitting on my Cane n' Able-brand Adirondack chair.

    In re Nonplussed, I felt the same way as you did while reading the review. So much so that I had to look the word up (thinking I was going crazy), and guess what? According to internet dictionaries, and I'll quote oxforddictionaries.com here, 'In North American English, a new use has developed in recent years,

    Every EP seems to have at least one transcendent and hilarious moment (Fred Willard's body when they blast off into space is one). I got a friend to watch the show and he started with the 'racism' episode, and by the time Forrest shouted the N-word, he was hooked.

    They've been too busy reviewing Mom.

    I should change my name to 'ReassuringValidator'.

    Agreed. I'm one of those white people who has never been able to stand The Decemberists. So, so boring to me.

    You are correct. The article author is referencing something incorrectly. 'Prime time' has always meant 8-11PM EST and 'pre-prime time' is something that does not exist as a television term. The half hour leading up to prime time is called 'prime access' and starts at 7:30PM EST.

    Oh, that's not what I meant (although I'm in full agreement with your post and that's the worst thing about the movie). I meant that the pop culture references you'll get from watching Forrest Gump are the ones referencing Forrest Gump itself. The movie and many of its specific lines get parodied so much (or, at

    Kudos to you for avoiding it. I don't hate it or anything (and it's one of those movies that helps you 'get' some pop culture references, both in real life and on other shows/movies), but that movie has been so ubiquitous that avoiding it should be a point of pride.

    I rarely watch ESPN anymore (only the occasional PTI and essentially nothing else), but I did catch a quick promo yesterday for the Bad Boys one, which I will now be watching.

    I can't wait until they sign Kensington Aloysius Montague III as a featured performer.

    Apparently not, and that's tantamount to black face!

    Another good job by the affluent, white, evangelical Right continuing to paint themselves as oppressed minorities. Could you imagine if Rush/O'Reilly/Shapiro were ever actually victims of some kind of oppression?