
Ever baked? Lots of recipes call for softened butter.

Ever baked? Lots of recipes call for softened butter.

It’s not that bad.

“It’s bad! I’m warning you here. I’ll even type some more words to force it further down the page so you don’t see it unless you’re trying to.”

Bald guy by choice here. After you bic your head, given a half day’s growth, your head turns into a big round globe of sandpaper. Thus, no tape, likely just miniscule stubble. I hope this has been enlightening.

Actually, some people with some mental disabilities are absolved of their behavior. They can literally commit murder and not be found guilty.

Oh christ, a speck of stuff isn’t going to hurt you. The Gawker Media Empire™ turned into a gaggle of pearl clutchers and monocle poppers so gradually, I hardly noticed. 

Any reasonable Giants fan was rooting for Philly.

He wasn’t totally terrible

Looks like the fans in attendance really enjoyed it. All four of them.

and... ANNNNND we gave them Kendall Fuller, a top 3 slot corner who is playing on his cheapass rookie contract. I hate everything.

And the commander in Chief will trade Washington to the Reds.

“It’s like I’m living a movie,” Mr. Smith said, when asked for comment.

Not surprising that somebody who enjoys the biggest shitstorm of bad takes in sports finishes his statement with a truly shitty take

I’m sure Lebron is very excited at the change to play with Austin Rivers!

I mean that’s besides the point, everyone is entitled to their own news reporting, I think it’s important to get all sides of the story (I’m liberal myself) but specifically the people that report for Fox is what makes them the worst of the worst, the content is less than desirable, but that wasn’t the point I was

Should have used Embiid’s Instagram post of the dunk, rather than Twitter - check the tag:

Hey, I used to work retail and when you “gift yourself a discount” you generally get employees and management in trouble, vs giving the finger to The Man. :/

Lol - We’re you having a stroke when you wrote this?

With you till “Black people food”.

I hope they don’t put my goto products behind glass, I might actually have to pay for it one of these days...