
That’s actually not as open and shut as people made it out to be. Ty Cobb was a complicated guy, and a lot of the sources from where the more scandalous stories originate were questionable. A Terrible Beauty was a fascinating read, and the main takeaway was that we’ll never really know what kind of a person he was,

People voting against Walker and Martinez are both using stupid ass arguments.

Either way, you’re getting someone who’s spent a little time sitting courtside at Barclays.

What did you think his plan would be? Give you the company because you are such a good worker?

Of course, to read this comment, we had to scroll past an impressively inane debate about the use of the phrase “full stop.”

Troll, fuck off. Heaven forbid someone tries to be sincere on the internet when tragedy strikes.

The dude was so bad at his job he managed to blind a guy in one eye while calling a football game.

“Dick Vermeil aside, the track records of NFL coaches returning to the sideline after lengthy spells away are not encouraging.”

Brady would have at least 25 teams calling as well. Point taken that Belichick has a longer potential career to go, but interest in either of them at this moment in time would be sky-motherfucking-high.

“It’s impressive that Ganz was willing to confront Harmon on a public forum”

I think that does a disservice to each of these players. Jones I’ll give you was probably just good to really good as a hitter for his whole career, while playing transcendent defense early on and accumulating good #’s due to career longevity.

I’m not sure why it’s Larry Walker’s fault they decided to put a baseball team in Colorado, or why he (or other Rockies) gets punished for it. Do we think he would have been shit playing somewhere else? Besides, almost all players do better in their home park....

Does anyone else find it surprising that Larry Walker is only projected to have 42%? He was a solid all-around player who was very good for a pretty long time. I know he’s got like B- career stats for the most part, but he’s got a B- in every class...that’s the honor roll!

What’s a “currancy”? Is it some kind of preserve with currants in it?

Ethereum is the only technology worth investing in. Once the government, hospitals, schools, insurance companies and every other large organization utilizes the tech it’ll be up there with Google and Apple.

Thank you. Finding a hotel room cluttered? Fucking neurotic. Can you imagine living with a person like this?

I can’t imagine being such a neat freak that I found hotel rooms cluttered. Usually I find them barren and sterile - I feel much happier once I’ve spread my stuff around a bit.

No Monero?

My understanding of exactly what ripple is isn’t as thorough as it should be. I think currently the most likely crypto to survive long-term is ethereum because it could be directly adopted for corporate or government use without actually using “ethereum” the crypto itself.

You’re saying everything a guy would say to avoid the fact that you’re only interested in her because she’s attractive.