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    When it’s every day? On every casual automotive reporting site? People said this about Trump and here we are three years later completely inundated on every major news network in the country. At some point it’s enough. But I wouldn’t expect that coming from an audience who STILL makes the 1.5 psi joke.

    Ask yourself if this guy is the biggest thing in the auto industry right now. Because the media coverage suggests it is. There are tons of other car things to cover. Reporting car news is easy because there is so much of it going on all the time. Elon is low hanging fruit and Jalopnik knows it.

    Your photo definitely makes your point more valid.

    Relevant how? This isn’t about a car at all. It isn’t even affecting the industry. It’s a guy who can’t control himself. There are hundreds if not thousands of things that are more “relevant and interesting” that go on every day. But you don’t hear about them here because this is babbys first car publication. Easy

    I’m seriously going to bail on Jalopnik if they can’t show some restraint posting about Elon. I’m so tired of hearing about a billionaire’s problems. It’s like the non stop trump discussion. I stop following friends on Facebook over crap like this.

    My comment comes too late to be noticed. But oh god don't listen to enthusiasts as a whole. People not even interested in Camaros will offer advice for features that will drive up cost and appeal to a smaller audience. It's the exact opposite of what Chevrolet wants. Find the demographic who is in the market for a

    This is pretty obviously an attempt to attach a different problem to the firearm industry and go “See?! Guns are ruining everything!”. Your story is one of capitalism. Sorry to burst your bubble here but this happens in every industry here in the United States.

    If you use an ad blocker, the site doesn’t see the revenue from your click and suddenly the clickbait model is broken and you can shit post till the cows come home without having to feel bad about perpetuating garbage reporting.

    Hahaha I gave you a well thought out counter to your opinion and you respond like an idiot.

    I take issue with a few things in that article. The first one being that blanket stating that mentally ill people are violent. While I made the claim that mass shooters could use mental health services, I never stated that the mentally ill are all violent. That would be an outlandish stereotype considering that I think

    I’d argue the main problem is the country’s inability to recognize mental health as a worthwhile investment.

    The media needs to break the cycle. Copycat syndrome is a real thing.

    When you contribute nothing to society and only consume, surprisingly society doesn’t care whether you live or die.

    Im desperately tired of my auto news providers wallowing in everything that happens to the company. I’m not sticking up for them. I’m so tired. *Pulls off sunglasses to reveal bloodshot eyes*

    Could you chill for, like, a second. Tesla is such a heavily covered brand that you will likely hear about every strange occurance on their products. We don't need an update every time one of their cars break. Weird QA issues like this happen to every manufacturer.

    There is a section on the application for a concealed carry permit that asks you what you want to use the gun for. Guess what one of the things that will get your permit denied is?

    Bcause this isn’t the wild west. A gun is not an intimidation tool. Used in self defense, it is a weapon. You don’t draw a gun unless you intend to kill someone. Drawing and not firing is bandishing a weapon. Brandishing is a meant to unnlawfully intimidate. Cops seem to forget this. To an extent, rightfully so. You

    I will never listen to reader recommendations after the tent fiasco. Every entry was garbage.

    I will never listen to reader recommendations after the tent fiasco. Every entry was garbage.

    The government shouldn’t try to pull money out of something that is good for a city. It’s greedy and short sighted.

    Thats pretty pedantic if you know that both are drawn from the same areas.