
I wanna say it's a 2010-2012 Kia Soul

Do those drift missles fire up McCain’s PTSD?

Your argument shouldn’t be with the minivan people, it should be with the crossover people, that buy vehicles just as large and gas-consumptive as a minivan that can’t fit a 4'x8' in them, and tow just as poorly as a minivan, while never utilizing the much touted 4 wheel drive. And don't even start on pick ups!

Just imagine that vehicle with modern materials! A Kevlar boiler and a a radiating condenser. And you could burn any fuel. Damn!

I guess just to say something different, Kentucky. There aren’t big enough metros to have lots of shitty HOAs, you're right on the Mason Dixon, so it's a nice genuine blend of gear heads and redneck engineering. Lax registration laws and state cops that only care if you peak 88mph on the interstate. Lots of good back

Needs dualies

Their letter was possibly the most disturbing thing I’ve read in a while, and I browse 4chan.


No, they aren’t the only ones to have cheated. I used to be loved by a woman, but then she ran around all unfaithful, and now she gone out the door.

Boogey oogey oogey

I don't have a pic cause I was driving, and I know no one will believe this shit, but I saw an R8 towing a set of wheels on a flat bed trailer pulling off on an exit on I-64 in eastern Kentucky.

None have to go.

Why use it if we don't have to? And why not ease up on the environment and release no CO2 and maybe even lessen the amount that's already there?

“Shoot her ass before she kills somebody” I believe is the direct quote

“Fuck small cars”

And blow head gaskets like it's their job!

Eh, try the sonic, loads better

You got “too” and “to” mixed up successively and it made me giggle. That being said I totally agree

A modern one for only four times the amount, none of the wear or work? Duh the new one.

I think you just found it