
The boy’s mom is probably trying to figure this bullsh*t out rather than immediately go on social media and all of that immediately. I know, if this were one of my sons, I would put most of my attention on their well-being before coming out guns blazing. It would be different had her son died.

The boy’s mother is probably well aware that she is going to get painted as Angry Black Baby-Mama (whereas if she were a white woman, she’d be a Mama Bear) and is having to walk that tightrope

I would be in jail right now if I was that mother. I would have lost my shit and rampaged through that town.

As I sit here in Florida awaiting the wrath of Irma, it’s good to know that there is a kinder, gentler side to these blowing winds. And that side is the whispy, undulating in the eye of the storm that is Teresa Jo. A person who when her commander in chief said “fuck these prisoners” did not hesitate, did not question,

I love it when you can tell what year a person peaked by their hairstyle.

Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?

Well, it WAS the ugly tree...

Mike Huckabee’s daughter. Southern. Probably inbreeding, or she climbed the wrong tree as a youth and fell down, hitting every branch before the ground.

How bad is the USA if you need to tip people for doing their jobs? I thought Donald Trump was going to change that? Isn’t that why you all voted for him?

Industry don’t need no big gubmint telling them what to do........

“...And Jesus spoke to his desciples, ‘The man beside you is your brother, protect and care for your brothers only when ridicule and bad press on social media and news outlets is so high that it could potentially impact cash flows. Remember this and do this in my name. Amen’”

You are right. It’s also a symbol of traitors. This country only needs one flag. That’s what REAL Americans think.

Nope. Nope. Nopity Nope. I live in Florida so don’t give me this “if you’d only come to the south!” bullshit.

Choosing to continue to embrace a flag (of a traitorous enemy of the US no less) that actively causes deep pain to an entire race?...

My best friend’s father flew for the Luftwaffe in WWII. Should it be cool for him to fly a German flag from that time period? He’s not an antisemite - he’s just proud of his heritage.

I’m from South Carolina, and I have seen way too often how much that stupid flag fuels racism and tension.

I think it’s cute that you guys are so attached to your participation banner. “Ooh, look at us! We lost!”

While Anderson Cooper and his guests wrung their hands over this on CNN last night, the ticker at the bottom the screen made a one sentence mention of the fact that the Feds are defunding a project that studies the health impact of mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia. Maybe that should have been the lead story.

“I’d do anything... *anything*... to pass this course.”

You forgot the “sacrificial TV new reporters”!