I rarely find people this coherent and realist on the net. I am only sorry I have no more stars to give.
I rarely find people this coherent and realist on the net. I am only sorry I have no more stars to give.
I dont believe you have been following the life and deeds of the current USA presindent very closesly if you think anyone is surpriced about this. And about the concern part, I dont think anything else He does would rise it by now other that outright fire a nuke.
Wow.. so many click bait questions.... about the same tragic event and with the exact same tone deafness...
The sixty (and older) years olds are traying to MAGA, back then shit and fuck were bad word, cunt shortcistcuits theyr brains.
So she pulled a full “IVANKA”.
So you want the State to have the power to mandate, with a judiciary action, whom you do business with? Because that is what you are asking for.
No atheist with a business would be dumb enough to refuse money from Christians....
1 time ask politely.
That was actually a thing in spanish... 400 years ago. That is how you ended with words like HALAR (pull) that now is pronounced either JALAR o ALAR depending on the region.
Nah, it was never good to begin with, Germans fuck you up good, but you only pick up the bad parts....
French is worst than English in terms of wasted letters, most are there for no reason other that to fuck up people when reading. Americans (and British too) pronounce whatever the fuck they want, with a silent letter then and there, but french take the who silent letter to a complete new level of bullshit.
You mean platano? The banana cousin that must be cooked in order to be edible?
Indeed. But wait until millennials start to breed for real....
So, let me get this straight, a cop, is tech savvy enough to monitor social media for suspicious criminal activity, but once he finds one, fails to search the “net” to check what those mushrooms are....
Well communism ruled over half the world for over 70 years (and still does in some forms). And despite all the fuckery they did, the best the apologist can say is that is “wasn’t real communism”.
This is useless debate. If she can reach Nº1, She will reach Nº1 again, if she cant then she will not, as simple as that, she was out for a year, should everyone ranking be frozen while she comes back? But and arbitrary ranking be reserved for her while she recovers? What is the point exactly?
Unless Morgan Freeman is somehow a Bene Gesserit, speaking to someone is never sexual assault....
On a totally unrelated topic, why this article has a picture of 2 robots that seam to be about to get nasty with each other?
Yea, but you know what would be even better, a fucking removable battery. They can make it so that their fucking phone don’t accept non apple alternatives if they want but fuck it, allow the damn thing to change batteries if they run out of juice.
I have never understood why anyone would want an Apple machine nowadays. There is simply no advantage whatsoever over Linux or Windows.