
Indeed. The whole background check when purchasing a gun is wrong. Instead of making a check every time someone buys a weapon, the person should instead just show his license that certifies he qualifies to buy one.

In hindsight is so sad to say the Jeb is objectively the best option for president in that pic... I would change Trump for him in a nonosec...

Yep, he has no pattern at all, should have hired a Twilight or a Dawn first...

No, as far as the movies show, none of them are, but you can make them fuck whoever you want in your mind or fanfic tho...

Mounsier de Maistre agrees.

Since Reagan’s time it has been: “The lacking of a spine”.

I wonder if acquiring pictures to see the faces of the... fortunate owners of those cleverly original names would be too much work.

There you go, thinking you got the easiest job in the World, and bang, in a split second your failure at the easiest job in the World means the death of a person.

Wait.. What? I mean it... explain that.

or sister....

When you add the word German to anything, you automatically make it unsexy... unless you are into BDSM, but that is a niche audience...

“I will MAGA you all night long”

I don’t think anyone implicated in this particular story has the capability to feel nor understand the concept of “shame”.

Oh you sweet innocent summer boy. They try to make all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify themselves, but at the end of the day these are not what normal people define as “affairs”... it is most like, well read this so you understand the mechanics of it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution

So, it is Trump’s standard MO then. Keeping family traditions alive. Daddy must be proud.

What could have possibly give you that impression?....

Eminem would be cool.

English has so many fucking exceptions to all its “rules” that they end up being meaningless.

You speak as if English had rules for writing words... you are so funny...

Unless there is someone with an interest on that reputation to be kept...