
Oh, I commented that he just sucked as a player, and that he whined like a little bitch in another. I was kinda joking (but not...) That is not what GamerEX did.

What? WHO is going to call you on that? Are you going to play campaign and stream it? You will invite your friends home to see you play solo? WTF? The only way that applies is if the person makes it public, this make no sense whatsoever.

This article is about the author whining like a little bitch and coming up with ideas to play games that don’t make him whine so much, there is obviously no outrage on his part here, just lack of skill combined with an unnecessary desire to justify himself.

So you suck, that is exactly what difficulty levels are for, so sucky players like you that can not play longer without dying or get frustrated can enjoy the game somehow. Difficulty settings are defined by the game designers, what you are suggesting is to exchange difficulty for Play style, that may or may not fit

Exactly my point, they think they cant push a narrative unless they are blameless, it is insane. When have republicans being stopped from pushing a particular narrative when they have their own exposed sins? I tell you when, NEVER.

Jew has the double meaning of being both an ethnic group as well as a religion. Not all religious Jews are ethnically Jews and not all ethnically Jews are religious.

This is the kind of story that would be considered serious news in many of Trump retweeted sites if you swapped rep. names with dem. ones...

As a man that drinks responsibly and has a few times decided to just let go a go blind drunk just to see the results (great in the process, the aftermath as is known, not so good) And has a lot of drinking friends can testimony that being drunk doesn’t turn you into a sexual predator, you may do stupid stuff but

Something tells me these are all related to the stuff hitting it this last few month... read SHIT!!!!

No, goddamit, is not the same. There is a big difference between improper behavior and being a fucking predator.

Now playing

Is not common in him but sometimes the words he uses actually mean what does words mean.... so Yes.

That is not RANDOM at all.

Dont be silly, USA has too much debt with China for them to allow anything bad to happen. Russia is basically running the country by proxy. Who are we going to have a nuclear war with? North Korea? Both China and Russia would first let that whole country burn that lose the money printing machine that is the american

As long as they don’t use crosses for them....

The article clearly states that is RELATIVE to the rest of the Trump turd... I mean Administration. He is indeed a waste of good oxygen.

Wait a minute... how is that the best part????

Calling Trump a fucking moron means he has some grasp on reality, the same cant be said about most other members of this administration.

I have zero sense for fashion and design. I just liked the Euro-Asian version because I am a filthy slob and the american version had more angles to accumulate dust. This is not a scientific deduction, I got this knowledge empirically.

I was hopping for a “Thanks for all the fish” reference.

7? Damn he was an early bloomer.