
Games Journalists 2013: PS4 has a slight power lead, OMG Xbox One is trash.

I miss the George Foreman grill looking original PS3. It was not the prettiest, but I liked it. I always thought they used the same font as the old Spiderman movies on it as well.

I remain thoroughly convinced that the front facing light, which is pointed at the console not the user, was included because SONY intended to include their camera with the console. When they saw the reaction to Kinect on XB1, they made the smart decision to remove the bundled camera...

Pssst... Hey.... I don’t want to embarrass you, but it seems you forgot to write an article... Just thought you might want to fix that before anyone else notices.

I second this question!

Trump Tower in Chicago was completed in 2008 and opened in 2009... not sure where you got 2014 from. Unless you were referring to when they added the sign.

Grown up baby?