
If he doesn't answer, here is a little info for you.
Summary: Politician like / elected police officers generally favor more stringent gun control and think it will help curb violence, but actual on the street police officers overwhelmingly say the opposite. http://www.policeone.com/Gun-Legislatio…

How dare you make a logical point! You must be a racist.

What's ironic is that I'd say 85%+ of white people that claim to be "not racist", would never be caught dead in say, Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights, or Brownsville Brooklyn. What's more ironic? Is that black people sense this "racial fear", and despise white people for it. Last bit of irony? This guy is 100% correct


I think we need some BRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT in here

Gee of only the police would have intervened...oh wait.

South Park summed it up. Faggots.

Too bad there weren't any cops there to put a stop to this.

Just so we're all clear, this is what one looks like when you're using it to defend yourself against deadly attack.