I’d love to opt-out, but it’s too late for that. RMV has your photo. Any US govt agency service you ever used has your photo. DHS has your photo. IRS has your photo. ID.me has your photo.
I’d love to opt-out, but it’s too late for that. RMV has your photo. Any US govt agency service you ever used has your photo. DHS has your photo. IRS has your photo. ID.me has your photo.
The TSA deletes each photo after the match is made. The only comparison is from the picture provided on your license or passport.
TSA is very good at their actual job, which is make Congress feel like SOMETHING IS BEING DONE about airport “security”. Never mind that 9/11 was in no way, shape, or form a failure of *airport* security.
Of all the political platforms one could run on I think disbanding the TSA would be one that would be universally supported.
We have passport Global Entry, and when we come back through Customs it’s a 2-second state into the camera and you are through. Sounds brilliant until you realize you still need to wait another hour for your checked bag to show up.
TSA is a waste of finite resources.
Does opting in, with your picture on file, help you go through security faster the next time? If the answer is no, then it’s of no benefit to me.
Corruption. The big developers build 50,000 houses. The use a HOA because they want control until everything sells. The streets, parks, sidewalks, streetlight, and storm drainage are all owned by the HOA.
In some parts of the US it is very difficult to find house not under an HOA. They are endemic in Florida, less common in Oregon unless you have a shared amenity like a community pool. I had a pickup on jacks in my driveway for a month, and nobody cared.
there isn’t much that residents of The Meadows can do
Yeah, this is confusing as Hell. I had to look it “Kaufmann Language” and most sites that describe it do so in ways that are thoroughly unhelpful. Best I found was this site:
They’re saying that until the state law has language in it that specifically says they can’t enforce the pickup rule (even though it already does), they’re going to continue to enforce it. They’re being stubborn and petty.
I don’t disagree, but to be far essentially ANY subdivision built since about 1970, though some go back further, have restrictions of some kind, though newer and more specifically nicer high end subdivision tend to have much more onerous restrictions and HOA’s. That said I suspect if the residents hired an attorney…
They shoulda cleared all their permits first. They didn’t. Beyond that, the debris we’re crying about is stones on a mountain side. Clean up (and recycle) any steel debris, move any stone debris that is causing a problem; not much else you can do here.
Oh my lord, he reacted to an entirely, 100% deserved negative review by cold-calling you and then *threatening* you? Definitely tops anything I’ve ever experienced (which mostly can be summarized as run-of-the-mill sexism; most service departments have treated me like a normal person, but some of act like because I…
Watch the video. You can see his proof that the wheel was not damaged before. You can see the panel gap was not even touched.
Sales manager admitting on video that their cars have shitty panel gap issues.
The picture of the curb rash shows scrapes on the tire itself. This damage is extremely fresh.
I’m guessing they fixed the transmission and then realized they shouldn’t have because it was out of the warranty period. So they decided it was probably easier to just sell the car again and not have to worry about fighting for the money for the work they did without a signed service order (which is against the law…
That’s why you go to the state consumer protection agency. The state will go after shady businesses for you, without costing you money.