Richard Haight

Then you have not flown lately, I have flown 6 times in the last 60 days and when you pass by the TSA with Pre-Check or Global Entry, you ARE asked to look at the camera, period.... 

Exactly! Toss the bastards out! 

That is simply NOT CORRECT, anything you sell as a commercial dealer must meet the Federal standard for “Fitness of merchantability” and it doesn’t matter if you claim it is “As Is” ... Oops! 

You are correct, it is called “Conversion”, but it is charged as a crime! The Officer did the right thing, he is not empowered to act, until an investigation is conducted by the district attorney. I would take the cae “Pro-Bono” simply to see the schmuck dealer get jailed and to obtain SUBSTANTIAL damages for the

Legally, it is called “Conversion” and it can be charged as a felony, The dealership should automatically lose it;s license, and the lady should sue for about $100,000 in damages

Tesla has no “Such Program” to prevent the sale of the vehicle, Cena was hand selected to be allowed to purchase the vehicle, this guy simply submitted and order and took delivery when his number came up. If I were cena I would have gone to court, Ford had no legal grounds to stand on...once ytyou purchase something,

RTeally... show me a contract to purchase a Porsche that has a cannot sell clause. NOT an opinion, a CONTRACT! 

Tesla cannot legally impose conditions on the purchase, and he is free to sell it to the dumbest buyer at his convenience. Who the “F” does Musk think he is? 

Yes, and as any psychiatrist will tell you, people who participate in “Risk Exercises” ( like racing) are some of the most memtally stable on earth... They know their limits and enjoy a life unfettered by the worries and problems that plague many people. 

23 TT wins over the years, and John is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Oh, AND BY the way...FAST! 

WHY? Because it is NONE of your business, and thousands FLOCK to the Island to participate

There are many years where NO ONE dies, the statistics are skewed because of the fact that this race(s) are the oldest motor-sport event on Earth ( since 1907), and in the early years, when safety equipment was “Marginal” to non-existent (at best) accidents were often fatal.    

No, the A-Holes are people like you, who have never been to the Island, nor raced. By your standards, anyone who races is an asshole. As Franklin said, “those who would trade liberty for safety deserve neither”.....

Sorry, but I have flown on Frontier a number of times and was treated well, and with polite passengers. Don’t make broad generalizations! 

Narcissist? Oh Doooooh! 

If you booked that seat, they cannot legally move you UNLESS you refuse to say yes to the questions about opening the door> For this, I would call my attorney! 

Yep, exactly!

Yes, to most of that, except the price! Southwest is MORE expensive...Unless you insist on more than a carry on! 

And when were these two oficers fired? If not already, they must be terminated. They took a legal and innocent act ( filming the officers from a reasonable distance) , into an altercation... simple legal truth... TERMINATION! All cops are NOT bad, and ANYONE who says otherwise is an asshole reverse racist! Too many

All you Father had to do was to inform the officer that he was an M.D. and was responding to an emergency call, the officer was then required to run him an escort “Code 3" to the hospital ......