Great statement, thanks!
Great statement, thanks!
And, as much as Pfizer is getting paid, the reality is that vaccinations are among the lowest profit margin products that “Big Pharma” makes! That is why, it is difficult to get the Pharmaceutical companies to make the vaccines for the newest versions of this flu or that cold, bacause they make very little on a…
They have already done that, to gain Coast Guard certification... Oops, sorry!
The I team should have reported the license and vehicle identification numbers of the Parking Enforcement officers who ignored the high-end cars, and gotten them fired. The City ( I live here) is legally mandated to enforce the law without discrimination, and it would not be a surprise if Hi-Tec was “Greasing a few…
EXACTLY...Total moronic ass-hats! One mistake, and you flip over, killing the ass-hat moron hanging out the passenger side door or the sun roof! It is called “Manslaughter’, I.E. 7 to life if convicted!
Fair comment!
The DON’T protect anybody! The Virus is a “Droplet” disease, and the masks don’t stop breath from escaping! If you want to adhere to the government propagated “Storyline”, by all means wear your mask, it is your choice...But don’t expect everyone else to buy the bull-crap to make you feel better!
I have no problem with requiring vacccination before boarding. If you travel to some locations, like Canada or Hawaii, you have to show proof of vaccination before you are allowed off the plane... AND a negative Covid-19 test within 72 hours... No Problem!
Unfortunately, “Masking up” doesn’t do a thing. Masks have ONE purpose, to prevent certain contaminents from being deposited into open surgical wounds during surgery..PERIOD! If a mask could prevent you from releasing the virus into the air, it would also prevent you from breathing! Science !
The first question, that NO ONE has answered....Is how do any of you know what Amazon pays, because you don’t! and how many people Amazon employs? When you have nailed BOTH of those you can BMW ( bitch, moan and whine) but for now, you haven’t, and as someone else has stated, while this boat is a (bit) excessive it is…
Brilliant! Both GM and Ford need to keep a decent reputation and this is one way to do it! Put some teeth into the sanctions!
It’s called “Ethics” something neither you or the dealers seem to have a lot of!
Ahhhh, yes, my how their tune changes!!! Buy from another dealer, and then park the car in front of the first dealer, with a sign telling potential customers what a bunch of ass-wipes they are!
Precisely! Hit them where it hurts. And you wonder why car dealerships have the reputation they have???
Seems strange, the “Anti-Stall” program should not operate at anything above about 25 MPH!!
No manufacturer can legally mandate a selling price, it is prohibited by Federal law - and what used to be termed “Fair Trade” laws, which were wiped off the books by the Supreme court decades ago! The can specify a minimum “Advertised” price, BUT NOT the actual sale price! Anyone going to COSTCO will frequently see…
Not to mention that it is illegal to condition the sale of a vehicle which you have purchased, from being re-sold. Once it is yours, neither Ford or the dealer may prevent you from selling it. And, they CAN NOT make you agree to such a condition as part of the sale...Hello, Superior Court!
NOPE!!! The courts have already ruled that you cannot be charged!!! Sorry!
Exactly, or thrown it into a piece of postage and mailed it to Kzakhstan!
Nearly 100% are not N-95. N-95 maskesare to prevent a surgeon or nurse from inhaling something into the open surgical wound...NOTHING MORE! The masks do little if anything, because if they are closely fitted enough, you are gouing to pass out from accumulation of C0-2