
You guys are so jaded. That fight was a blast to watch. Mayweather kicked his ass at the end but we saw Mayweather throw fists in his 40's against a guy that’s in his prime, Conor was great too. He knew he was gonna run out of gas and he just went for it in the first three to four rounds. There was no way this fight

The “So what? He can outplay you” sports take is the worst sports take.

Because people who have even one single thing going for them don’t need to pretend like their race makes them worthwhile.

My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.

Sportsmanship. If that doesn’t resonate with you then there’s no point in continuing to read.

Right, Asians are so respected that Chris Rock can parade three Asian kids onto the stage at the Oscars as the butt of a joke. Isn’t it adorable how all Asians are child-worker math nerds?

Do you know how many Sikh men & hijab-clad Asian women alone have been murdered, brutalized, and humiliated in this country in just the last decade? You are embarrassing, dude. And “Asian” includes everything east of occupied Palestine and west of California, sooo..... shhhh

Yeah, you’ve had way worse. And? Asians should just shut up about everything race related cause they haven’t had it the worst of all?

Since you’re not asian, you can’t be expected to understand what it’s like to be within a stone’s throw of acceptance but always kept at arm’s length fulfilling the role of yes men. Don’t try to understand it, you can’t, you’re not asian and don’t have the lived experience.

This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.

I had green 93 LS 5 speed for nearly 13 years. The lines are way ahead of its time, unfortunately the paint couldn’t keep up. The interior is all focused on the driver, the seats feel like an old catchers mitt. It’s a great car that is rare now.

This was my MX-6. Loved that car

Reasonable delivery of item. They are holding it preventing her from getting her item. A court can understand prepping the car getting ready for delivery. But 3 months is unreasonable. This has the makings of a lawsuit and a complete PR disaster. The dealership should be shamed until bankruptcy.

Wow, I don’t know what it is, but that is painfully beautiful to me.

Now playing

Do not mess with the “very hungry can-opener”. Many have challenged it power, none have won.

“special occasions”

I’m guessing that a lot of these NP votes are from folks who are just too young to have ever experienced one of these things in person.

It was a clear mismatch and Braidwood knocked Hague out at the start of the second round. (The knockout occurs at about 5:25 of this video; the back of Hague’s head strikes the canvas hard.)

Was I the only one who wanted to give the #2 919 a hug for a job well done?

Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.