Maybe you can find a job liaising with overseas suppliers/vendors/etc. If your company deals with such, the time difference could put you on their schedule.
Maybe you can find a job liaising with overseas suppliers/vendors/etc. If your company deals with such, the time difference could put you on their schedule.
The solution seems fairly obvious. Set your phone to auto brightness and use both eyes.
TomTom hasn’t been to Metro Manila in the Philippines lately, I see. The traffic there far exceeds the worst L. A. could ever come up with. There are no shortcuts there because even the shortcuts are in 24/7 gridlock. It’s a combination of too many vehicles and too narrow streets that can’t be widened. Add to that…
The Cuban missile crisis.
She was thinking?
I never had any seasonal allergies till I came to live in the States and then it was so bad the docs had to inject steroids up my nose (this was before there were any effective allergy needs and steroidal Nadal sprays). They never went away. Now that I’m back home surprise! No more seasonal allergies. Guess my body is…
I once went through an episode of muscle stiffness where I could hardly stand up straight, my back was so stiff. My rheumatologist recommended adding 2500 I. U. of D3 a day. Stiffness went away inside of a week. So there’s reason to supplement your D, especially when sun is hard to come by.
This doesn’t explain why older people spontaneously wake in the pre- dawn hours, when (in a city at least) it’s darkest and quietest.
I hope it offers some way to secure the phone; sudden braking or changes in direction could send it flying, possibly out an open window otherwise.
I hope it offers some way to secure the phone; sudden braking or changes in direction could send it flying, possibly…
Being lefthanded is no impediment to using a fountain pen - you just have to use it enough so that the nib “wears in” to the proper angle you’re comfortable with.
Unless you’ve got a cheeseburger in your carry-on, in which case the dog might not be so inclined to just sniff you and let you pass. I've seen it happen.
Also smartphone screens and eyeglasses.
500 Gb SSDs can be had for ~$150 now. when 1 TB units reach that price point there’ll be absolutely no reason not to get one.
That Inateck hard drive enclosure-cum-USB hub is great. My laptop has only two USB ports, and with a mouse dongle in one (did I mention the laptop had a truly execrable touchpad? It has.) and an external hard drive in the other that was all she wrote. The Inateck solves that problem nicely. Just don’t use any…
That Inateck hard drive enclosure-cum-USB hub is great. My laptop has only two USB ports, and with a mouse dongle in…
This only makes me more convinced that the only way to handle the problem is to conduct genocide on those bugs and hang the rest of the food chain.
That is indeed the plan for the Falcon 9 Heavy - three Falcon 9 first stages strapped together with each one landing separately.
I think a lot of that is due to placing too much faith in autocorrect. It’s burned me so many times that I finally turned it off. Now if I could only make it stay off...
Fifth question: why are recommended tire pressure figures always given for cold tires and not hot ones? By the time I reach a service station with an air pump that “cold pressure” figure is meaningless and doesn’t tell me jack shit how much air I should put into my already warm tires.
Just get rid of that middle row.